When the Bryan County Emergency Services personnel are not
fighting fires or saving lives, these first-responders are helping Santa reach
his favorite people – the families of Bryan County.
Thanks to a longstanding tradition made possible by Bryan County Emergency Services, Santa will again be visiting a number of neighborhoods across North and South Bryan this holiday season, beginning Sunday, Dec. 2. See below for dates for specific neighborhoods.
Hitching a ride on a bright red fire truck, jolly old St. Nick will spread holiday cheer to the community’s children, cruising down residential roads and collecting toys to benefit boys and girls in need.
Santa will also be stopping in for breakfast from 8-11 a.m. Dec. 15 at Station 7, 5595 Highway 204 in Ellabell. BCES are hosting “Breakfast with Santa” that will include free pancakes and sausage, as well as educational fire-prevention activities and other fun projects.
The guest of honor, jolly old Kris Kringle, will be on hand to take photos with attendees and hear little ones’ Christmas wish lists. Admission is free, but donations of new toys would be appreciated.
“We are looking forward to bringing the joy of Christmas to our community and their families with our different Santa traditions,” Bryan County Emergency Services Fire Chief Freddy Howell said. “Have your children greet Santa from the fire truck or bring them to breakfast! Both will be great events for your kids to enjoy. And if you’re able to give him a gift or two on his runs to deliver to another child in need, Santa and the kids will be grateful.”
Santa Runs in South Bryan:
Sunday runs will start at 5 p.m. Weekday runs will start at 6 p.m.
· Sunday, Dec. 2: Oxford, Cove, Fort McAllister, Bryan Acres, Clark Town, Lindsey Dr., Dixie, Daniel Siding, Bally Plantation, Hope Creek, Shuman, Kelly Davis Area and Oak Hill.
· Monday, Dec. 3: Buckhead, Tranquilla Hall, Keller Crossing, and North Buck Head.
· Tuesday, Dec. 4: Bow Ridge, Laurel Grove, Wicklow, Dunham Marsh, Kenmare, Waterways, Lincoln Estates, Bell Island and Woodland Trails.
· Wednesday, Dec. 5: Sweet Hill, Magnolia Marsh, Heron Point, Marsh Harbour, Oak Point, Bluffs, Waterford, Jerico and Belfast.
· Thursday, Dec. 6: Strathy Hall, Holly Hill and Buck Head East.
Santa Runs in North Bryan:
All runs will take place from 5:30-8:30 p.m.
· Thursday, Dec. 6: Taylor Place, Magnolia Creek and Wade Carter.
· Friday, Dec. 7: King/Queens Way, Eldora Road, Deer Run Road, Elm/Pine Needle and Homestead.
· Monday, Dec. 10: Golf Course, Victoria Place, Polk Road and Park Place.
· Tuesday, Dec 11: The Lakes, Brewton Acre and Hidden Creek.
Santa Runs are call/weather permitting. Make up days will be available if needed and posted on the BCES Facebook Page.
Santa and his helpers will be picking up new, unwrapped toys during their neighborhood visits, which will be donated to children in need through Bryan County Family Connection.
For more information,Santa visit www.bryancountyga.org/government/departments-a-g/emergency-services, email bryancountyemergencyservices@gmail.com or call 912-858-2799.