Richmond Hill resident and 2-year-old cancer victim Logan Vance came home from the hospital Sunday but is not out of the woods yet, according to family.
Logan is suffering from a rare and aggressive form of liver cancer, which was diagnosed about two weeks ago.
Tommy Foster, Logan’s grandfather and the animal control officer for South Bryan, said Logan may be home now, but he must be admitted back into Memorial Hospital each weekend to undergo chemotherapy. He said Logan is still fighting for his life.
"There seems to be some improvement, but everyday is different," Foster said. "I guess that’s par for the course with chemotherapy. We’re just taking it one day at a time. Everyday that we have him here is a blessing. All we can do is pray."
Logan is not covered by medical insurance, but the Bryan County Fire Department is attempting to come to the rescue and has a number of fundraisers in the works.
This Friday and Saturday, Jan. 29-30, firefighters will be outside both Publix and Kroger for a boot drive. All donations will go directly into the fund for Logan.
Two weeks later, on Saturday, Feb. 13, BCFD will have a kids’ safety day event in the parking lot of First Baptist Church of Richmond Hill, with all the proceeds going toward Logan’s medical expenses. Events lined up include a bouncy playground, fire truck rides and a petting zoo. Capt. Asa Clay said more activities are in the works.
County resident Wayne Jackson just volunteered the services of his "Grillzilla" food stand, so food and beverages will be available at the safety day event.
The event will also include a blood drive, in conjunction with the Blood Alliance. The blood will be turned in to Memorial Hospital in exchange for a reduction in Logan’s medical bills.
"It’s so great of the guys to do this," Foster said. "I couldn’t ask for a better bunch of friends."
Want to help? Donations are being accepted for the "Fund for Logan Vance" at Bryan Bank & Trust.