When I think about Christmas, I think of the farmer, who when seated by his fireplace, observes the harsh winter weather and hears the howling of the wind.
As he looks out his window he sees some of his chickens wandering in the cold winter weather.
Knowing that the chickens will not survive the brutal cold weather, the farmer desires to make a way for the chickens to enter into the safety of the barn.
Without hesitation he rushes outside in an attempt to rescue them by opening the door to the barn and turning the light on in hopes they would enter in from the storm.
The farmer comes back inside the house and notices that the chickens did not go through the open door.
In his second rescue effort, he places a trail of chicken feed leading all the way into the open barn door.
The chickens quickly consumed the feed up to the door but would not enter.
Finally, the farmer says to himself, "If only I could become a chicken, I would be able to lead them out of the storm and into the open door of the barn."
That’s exactly what Christmas is all about. God became us to rescue us. The scripture says in Philippians 2:7, "But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men."
Matthew 1:23 says, "Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us."
Just like the farmer, God’s way to rescue us was to become us in order to lead us into the open door of salvation. The way has been made, the light is on and the door is open. He’s pleading with you to come out of the storm and into the safety of his arms, which are full of love, grace and truth.
Merry Christmas!
Nelson is the pastor of Faith Temple Glennville and a member of the United Ministerial Alliance.