Why should I expect you, or anyone else, to read my column each week? Whatever would possess me to believe that I would have something to say that would be worthy of your time?
Those are legitimate questions. It would require someone to have a very high opinion of himself to believe that his words actually could make a difference in someone’s life.
Quite frankly, it’s even more so with this idea of preaching. Every Sunday, I stand before the people in my church and claim to be speaking to them on God’s behalf. Am I truly that arrogant? Do I believe that I can speak God’s thoughts for him?
A couple of observations must be made. First, as for myself, when I was younger I would have chosen just about any other profession I could have done. I absolutely am convinced that God called me into the ministry. If I chose to do anything else, I would be living in disobedience to him.
Secondly, I do my very best to speak words that come from, and are based on, the teachings of the Bible. I have no advice for you that I have developed on my own. The only thing I can say to you of value is what the Bible says.
We are convinced the Bible is the very word of God. That means God guided the hands and the minds of the writers of the various biblical books, and the finished product is what he intended it to be. In the Bible, we find instructions on how to live the way God wants us to live.
As I have mentioned before, God has the authority to tell us how to live because he created us. He knows what makes us tick. He knows the true meaning of life, not just in general, but for you and me particularly.
It is so important for us to know and do God’s will. People constantly look for meaning and happiness in life. It is quite clear that many are bored with life. They are looking for something to make life worth living.
The fact is that God can show us that way. But far too many of us are not convinced. We keep thinking that we can find it – whatever it is – on our own.
It is my prayer for you to see and hear the words of God – whether through my preaching and writing, or that of some other Bible-believing pastor or teacher. I pray you will be led to know and do God’s will.
In doing so, you will find the happiness and meaning in life for which you seek.
Follow the Bible to find happiness
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