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Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice: 3 points for parents
Ben Affleck as Batman and Henry Cavill as Superman in Warner Bros. Pictures' action adventure "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice," a Warner Bros. Pictures release, scheduled to be in theaters March 25, 2016. - photo by Shawn O'Neill
Points for parents

  • Violence/gore: There are intense violence sequences in this film. Buildings are destroyed and fall on people. A man is executed by terrorists. Guns, as well as other artillery, are used many times. The superbeings use improvised weapons to fight. A nuclear missile is deployed and explodes. Hostages are taken in order to intimidate heroes. The final fight in the film is long and very intense. A man dreams that blood is dripping from a crypt and a demon bursts out at him. One explosion is very deliberate and kills many. Death does occur in this film.
  • Sensuality: A woman is seen taking a bath. Only her legs and upper chest are visible. A man joins her in the tub.
  • Language: Very little profanity is used.
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