We have just commemorated “Memorial Day’” this past Monday. For the most part, in a strict sense, it is a day to remember those who have given their lives for this country through military service, but in a broader sense it is a time to remember all who have passed on before us.
The truth is that everyone born into this world will come to that place of death and the vast majority will be remembered by others. Some of these memories will be good ones while others won’t be so good.
For us who are still here on this earth, we can make changes that will have positive impacts. What we will be remembered for can be actions that left good impressions in the sight of others. The Apostle Paul, speaking to a group of believers in a town called Philippi, said these encouraging words concerning them: he said, “I thank my God every time I remember you”.
These group of believers made a positive impression so that Paul noticed it and commented on it.
Every new day that we live is another opportunity to let our light shine and to make a difference in our sphere of influence. We do need to understand that life is short, and we are not guaranteed another day to live.
So, make the best of today, forgive those who have hurt you, ask forgiveness from those you have hurt, and be remembered as a lover of mankind.