Bryan County Tax Commissioner’s office is switching to an appointment only system beginning on Monday, March 23 until further notice, to minimize risk to employees and residents in response to health concerns regarding the spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus).
According to a press release, the Tax Commissioner’s office at both Pembroke and Richmond Hill locations will continue to be open from 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. Monday through Friday and will remain fully staffed and operational to process renewals, registrations, applications, payments as well as to answer telephone inquiries, and take payments over the phone. In addition, drop boxes will be available for residents to deliver their tag renewals, payments, and homestead exemption forms, in the lobby at the County Annex in Richmond Hill, and at the front door of the Tax Office in Pembroke. All Bryan County departments are encouraging residents to utilize online portal options for services, whenever possible, in order to protect the health and well-being of everyone in our community.
If personal assistance is required, appointments are available at the Tax Commissioner’s offices. Walk in service has been discontinued to ensure social distancing and limit person to person contact in crowded lobbies. Residents should telephone the Pembroke office at 912-653-3880 or the Richmond Hill office at 912-756-2434, if an appointment is required but everyone is strongly encouraged to utilize online, telephone and mailing options wherever possible. Online services offered include:
Tag Renewal
Payment of Insurance and Fines
Change of Address Services
Cancellation/Reinstatement of Registration
Replacement Registration
Title Ad Valorem Tax (TAVT) Estimates
PAYMENTS: Motor Vehicle and Property taxpayers may pay with a credit/debit card online or over the phone.
MAILING: Property tax payments, tag renewals, and homestead applications may be mailed. Bryan County Tax Commissioner, P. O. Box 447. Pembroke, GA 31321