It is my belief artists were the first true historians. Arrows were drawn, lines scratched into the sand and symbols painted, all universally understood no matter where your tribe came from. The old adage, a picture is worth a thousand words, reinforces the impact artists have had on our history. From recording the life and times of man and animals with mud and burnt wood drawings on cave walls to current renditions of “Aunt Essie” at the last family reunion all are ways in which artists illustrate the world and its happenings. Whether they create their work for their own fulfillment or to explain the world as they see it is not for me to say. I can say, without a doubt, artists, no matter the medium they work in, all have something to tell you. This is how it was, is and all ways shall be.
Appropriately, the Richmond Hill Historical Society along with a number of local artists, have come together to present the art show, “Disappearing Lifestyles on Bryan Neck.” The show is at the Richmond Hill Museum. The Meet and Greet the Artists Reception will be on Thursday evening, Sept. 8, beginning at 6:30 p.m. The show will hang in the museum through November. The reception is open to the general public.
One of the Historical Society’s missions is to connect our present to the past in order to help guide us into a successful future. How can you know where you want to go if you don’t know where you have been? The history of our area dates back before the English arrived on our shores; native Americans, squirmishes between the Spanish and the English, Revolutionary War involvement, plantations, naval stores, rice cultivation, the March to the Sea ended at Ft. McAllister, hurricanes, Henry Ford, the rise and fall of the fishing industry,education and research are but a few of the things that have helped define this small section of the Georgia Coast. Your artists, your visual historians, have taken the time to illustrate some of the happenings occurring over the past three centuries for this show.
On Thursday night, during the art show, the Bailey Carpenter Barbershop, a building built by Henry Ford for Mr. Carpenter, will be open for viewing for the first time since its relocation to the Richmond Hill Museum campus. We are very excited to be able to share with you the renovation process.
Take a moment out of your schedule, stop by the Richmond Hill Museum, meet your local artists, see the story they are telling, and take a moment to embrace your history.
Volker is president of the Richmond Hill Historical Society.
Artist tells story of our history
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