WASHINGTON – U.S. Sen. Johnny Isakson, R-Ga., Wednesday was named chairman of the Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, which will play a role in ensuring that reforms passed by Congress last year are implemented to improve services and health care delivery for veterans.
Isakson also was named chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Ethics, becoming the only Senate Republican to chair two committees in the 114th Congress. The Senate Republican Conference is supposed to meet Thursday to ratify committee-elected chairs for the 114th Congress.
“I am very proud to be allowed to chair these two Senate committees on which I have served for several years,” Isakson said. The work of the Senate VA Committee is so important to our nation and to my state of Georgia. The work of the Ethics Committee is critical to maintaining the integrity of the United States Senate.”
Isakson is a veteran himself, having served in the Georgia Air National Guard 1966-1972. He has been a member of the Senate VA Committee since he joined the Senate in 2005. Georgia is home to more than a dozen military installations, representing each branch of the military as well as more than 774,000 veterans.
“We are at a critical moment in history with the VA, and I will be fiercely committed as chairman of the Senate committee to making sure the Department of Veterans Affairs seizes this moment and rises to meet the challenge of implementing these reforms for our nation’s veterans,” Isakson said. “There’s no greater calling for us in Congress than to bring value back to the VA and our veterans. I look forward to leading the charge in the Senate to implement the solutions to the VA’s problems and to help instill a system of success and accountability for the future.”
Isakson says he has focused on improving the quality and timeliness at VA healthcare facilities across the country, and he helped to uncover signs of neglect and mismanagement at the Atlanta VA Medical Center, after holding a Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee hearing there in August 2013.
Isakson has served on the Ethics Committee since 2007 and has been its vice chairman since 2009.
“I take my role on the Ethics Committee very seriously and I remain dedicated to upholding the highest ethical standards of the U.S. Senate in a fair, nonpartisan manner,” the senator said.
Isakson will also serve on the following Senate committees in the 114th Congress, which began Tuesday:
• Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions
• Committee on Finance
• Committee on Foreign Relations
Isakson heading Senate VA Committee
State's senior senator also heads ethics panel

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