Fort Stewart 1st Lt. Daniel Wynn and his wife, Corina, headed to Winn Army Community Hospital on Fort Stewart on Thursday night to welcome their new baby; however, the infant had other plans.
Corina Wynn gave birth to a son, later named David, on the side of Leroy Coffer Highway in Liberty County, about a half mile from North Coastal Highway.
The Wynns, who live in Richmond Hill, tried to beat the clock, but as Corina Wynn’s contractions came closer and closer together, it became clear they wouldn’t make it to the hospital. The couple had to pull over, and their son was born in the Wynns’ 2014 Honda Civic.
"Oh my God, I’m taken aback and shaken by what just happened," Daniel Wynn said from the hospital after he joined his wife and son, who weighed in at 7 pounds and is 20 inches long.
The new parents said they left for WACH shortly after 8 p.m. when Corina Wynn told her husband she was having contractions. In a telephone interview Friday, she said that Daniel Wynn insisted, "We have to leave now," before carrying her out to the car and racing toward Fort Stewart.
When the couple turned onto Leroy Coffer Highway, Corina Wynn said the labor pain became nearly unbearable and she told her husband the baby was coming. By the time Daniel Wynn pulled the car over and checked his wife’s progress, the baby was on his way. As they called 911, Corina Wynn delivered the baby boy.
"All I heard was a gurgling noise and there he was," she said.
Daniel Wynn, who still was on the phone, took instructions from the 911 operator and cleared his son’s mouth and nose in an attempt to make him cry.
"I didn’t have to do anything. He started to cry on his own," said Daniel Wynn, who admitted to feeling
Meanwhile, Liberty County Sheriff’s Office Deputy Stephen Wingate had been dispatched to the scene of the imminent birth and was on his way.
He said he worried as he drove and could only think, "This is my first baby. What am I going to do?"
Much to Wingate’s relief, by the time he arrived, Corina Wynn was sitting in the front seat holding the infant, who the Wynns named David after Daniel Wynn’s father.
"I sure was glad to see she had the baby and they were both doing fine," said Wingate, who then called 911 to report everything was under control.
Within minutes, the area was flooded with emergency vehicles from Liberty and Bryan counties, including two Bryan County Sheriff’s Office deputies, who followed the ambulance.
Liberty County Sheriff’s Office Deputy Sgt. Brian Barnes, along with EMT personnel, took the first photos of the happy family as they sat in the back of a Bryan County ambulance.
Corina Wynn said she has no idea how she’ll top David’s birth if she and her husband decide to have another child.
"Maybe I’ll get on a plane and force an emergency landing," she said. "Who knows? I don’t think we’ll ever top this one, however."