The Coastal Comprehensive Plan is in its final stages and looking for public input.
Bryan County residents are encouraged to attend the local workshop on Tuesday, Jan. 29 from 6-8 p.m. at the Coastal Georgia Center in downtown Savannah.
Georgia Department of Community Affairs Commissioner Mike Beatty recently announced the final round of workshops for any last minute comments on the draft of the Coastal Comprehensive Plan, which will directly impact Georgia’s six coastal counties, including Bryan.
"The plan will outline a vision for Georgia’s coastal area that promotes sustainable future development without compromising the region’s valuable and vulnerable natural environment," the DCA release said Tuesday, Jan. 22.
To see the draft, visit the DCA website at, or the Georgia Planning Association’s site at
The Coastal Comprehensive Plan’s advisory committee helped create the plan, made up of local residents from each of the coastal counties. The DCA said the advisory committee worked with them and a variety of subject matter experts to study a number of issues affecting the coastal area.
Bryan County representatives included Commission Chairman Jimmy Burnsed and Development Authority Director Jean Bacon.
Burnsed said now is an important time for Bryan County residents to get involved.
"I think it would be a great idea for citizens to go and hear what the plan is as proposed," he said. "They are still taking input and the final plan will be approved by the Georgia legislature during this current session, and would then be implemented by July 1."
During the public workshop on Tuesday, the draft of the plan will be presented with a summary of the planning process.
After the presentation, subject matter experts will be on hand to answer questions about any issues that have been identified as regional priorities. The main issues include water and sewer, stormwater, transportation, cultural and historical resources, natural resources, regional growth management, business and industry and tourism.
The Coastal Georgia Center is located at 305 Fahm Street, behind the Savannah Visitor’s Bureau.
There will also be a workshop Monday, Jan. 28 from 6-8 p.m. in Brunswick at the Stellar Conference Center off I-95, exit 38, behind the Quality Inn. The final workshop will be Thursday, Jan. 31 from 6-8 p.m. in Midway at the Coastal Georgia EMC off Hwy. 17.
If you can’t make any of the workshops, send comments by email to; by mail to Adriane Wood at the DCA, P.O. Box 870, Macon, GA 31202, or fax 478-751-3100.