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4 ways to help your child become a successful adult
If your children don't get along well with others in kindergarten, is it possible that their behavior could affect their future success? A new study suggests it might. - photo by Shelby Slade
Is it possible that your child's behavior with friends could be an indicator of his or her future success? A new study suggests it might.

A study published in the American Journal of Public Health shows that 5-year-olds who play well with others are more likely to be successful later in life, Thu-Huong Ha reported for Quartz.

In 1991 kindergarten teachers ranked students behavior and how well they played together. Topics studied included the students' cooperation with peers, their willingness to help others, and their ability to understand others feelings and resolve problems on their own, Ha explained.

Twenty years later, researchers from Pennsylvania State University and Duke University reconnected with the 753 students to find out what had happened to them since kindergarten.

Those that modeled good behavior better in kindergarten were statistically more likely to be employed and have a degree at 25, Ha reported. On the other hand, those with lower marks had been arrested more and were more likely to binge drink.

While the behavior of young children doesnt always dictate what happens to them later in life, it does help them significantly in the classroom and in life generally, it was concluded.

There are also many ways to help your children develop better social skills at a young age.

Enroll them in an early learning or preschool program

While its not always possible, having your child participate in early learning programs helps them make friends and learn to interact with other children in a low-stress environment. This is one thing the studys findings stressed, Ha reported.

Have play dates or other interaction opportunities for them suggests that by having more chances to interact with other children, they have more chances to practice good behavior and develop their people skills. Ultimately, practice makes perfect.

Teach them to say sorry

Saying sorry is a key facet of learning to make things right when you have hurt someone, Tricia Cornell wrote for Parent Further. However, parents need to emphasize the meaning behind saying sorry, rather than letting kids mumble it as a solution to every problem.

Practice with your children

Since you spend a lot of time with your children, your interactions are a great way to practice good behaviors. suggests asking questions like Can I play with you? and Would you like to play with me?
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