The Friends of the Richmond Hill Library welcomed new officers at its January meeting.
President Gib Robinson greeted all members and discussed plans for the coming year.
Library manager Kate Barker and Stateboro Regional Libraries Director Jennifer Durham talked about plans for the new library that will be built in south Bryan County. Barker presented a preliminary drawing of the proposed building.
The members unanimously voted to hold a book/yard sale April 6. The sale is possible this year because of an excess of donated books. This annual event has been the main fundraiser for the organization.
The group also sells books year-round in the library. Tote bags for books are available and can be personally labeled at no extra charge. Order sheets are by the books for sale.
The Friends of the Library is an organization that supports the local library in all endeavors. The monthly meeting is at 10 a.m. each second Monday at the library. Applications for joining are available at the library.
Friends of Library plan for new year

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