As I looked out of my office window one day this week, I saw the rain coming down and my first response was, “Today is going to be a miserable day.”
I was going to have to get out in it and possibly get wet. Any outdoor plans would be interrupted.
There even is a line from a song that speaks of how most people feel: “Rainy days and Mondays always get me down.”
I later went into our church’s auditorium to pray. I was thanking the Lord for my many blessings when I thought about the rain.
I realized that even though I don’t enjoy getting out in it, the rain is something that is much-needed and is a blessing from the hand of God.
There are many things that come our way that, at the times of their arrivals, are not welcomed.
They may hinder us from doing what we want to do or prevent us from moving in a certain direction with our lives.
However, God is in control and really knows what we need. We need to learn to accept from the Lord’s hand both the sunshine and the rain — and thank him for them.
Thank the Lord for the needed rain
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