2013-14 testing calendar
Sept. 25 GHSWT Main Administration
Sept. 26 GHSWT Make Up
Dec. 5-18, 2013 EOCT Winter Main Administration
Jan. 21-March 4, 2014 ACCESS for ELL Administration Window
Jan. 22, 2014 Grade 8 Writing Main Administration
Jan. 23, 2014 Grade 8 Writing Make Up
March 5, 2014 Grade 5 Writing Main Administration
March 6, 2014 Grade 5 Writing Make Up
March 18-29, 2014 Grade 3 Writing Assessment
March 24-28, 2014 GHSGT Spring Main Administration, Make Up
April 7-17, 2014 CRCT Administration
April 7-10, 2014 CRCT-M Administration
May 8-21, 2014 EOCT Spring Main Administration
May 19-23, 2014 CRCT Retake
May 19-21, 2014 CRCT-M Retake
June 16-18, 2014 EOCT Summer Admin., Summer Retake
The Bryan County Dress Code applies to all students while on any school system property, on any school bus, or during any school-sponsored activity or event, wherever located. The dress code will be enforced in a uniform manner throughout the system.
Any extremes in dress or appearance and/or any items which adversely affect safety are not permitted. Neat and appropriate dress is expected of all students. The principal or assistant principal shall determine if any particular mode of dress is not acceptable, is distracting, or is disruptive. Any exceptions to the following must have prior approval of the principal. Violations of the dress code can subject the offending student to disciplinary action. Parents may be notified and required to bring appropriate clothing to school. School system staff members regard school as students’ work. Rules for dress are designed accordingly. Acceptable dress is detailed below. Appropriate dress has a positive impact on behavior.
1. All clothing is to be worn in a normal, conventional fashion at all times. Pants/shorts/skirts must be worn at the waist. Clothing is to be of a size appropriate for the wearer. Oversized clothing is not to be worn. All shirts/blouses/tops are to be buttoned, laced, snapped, zipped, or otherwise fastened at all times.
2. All students are required to wear safe and appropriate shoes. In high school labs or other settings in which chemicals, heavy equipment, or other potentially hazardous items may be located, additional requirements may be made for certain potentially hazardous situations. Shoes must be appropriately tied, laced, buckled, or otherwise fastened.
3. Tank shirts are NOT to be worn on campus.
4. Hats, caps, bandanas, and other head coverings are NOT to be worn at school (including gym).
5. Dresses, skirts, and shorts must be within four inches of the top of the knee and be worn in a normal fashion.
6. No sunglasses, nonprescription glasses, or nonprescription contacts will be worn at school (including gym).
7. No beach or recreational clothing.
8 Chains (other than jewelry items worn in a conventional manner) cannot be worn. Chain belts cannot be worn.
9. Proper undergarments must be worn; undergarments cannot be worn as outer garments. Sleepwear items cannot be worn.
10. P. E. clothing cannot be worn to other classes.
11. No sheer or see-through clothing will be allowed.
12. Shoulders, backs, chests, and other personal areas are to be covered.
13. Mini-skirts, bicycle shorts, sweatpants, cut-offs, leggings, jeggings, or other related apparel (unless worn with a regular length dress), and inappropriately short or tight clothing will not be allowed.
14. Clothing with holes and slits cannot be worn.
15. Unacceptable statements, symbols, or designs (including inappropriate sexual references) or drug or alcohol advertising are not permitted. No gang symbols will be worn or in a student’s possession. Unacceptable items include references to all racial symbols, unacceptable sayings, and other unacceptable symbols.
16. Students cannot wear articles of clothing, jewelry, or accessories which, in the opinion of the school principal, pose a clear and immediate threat to the physical well-being or safety of other students on campus or which constitute a distraction/disruption for others.
Statements, symbols, or other items cannot be worn on the seat of clothing.
The Bryan County Dress Code applies to all students while on any school system property, on any school bus, or during any school-sponsored activity or event, wherever located. The dress code will be enforced in a uniform manner throughout the system.
Any extremes in dress or appearance and/or any items which adversely affect safety are not permitted. Tattoos, body piercings (includes nose rings, nose pins, tongue rings, tongue pins, other facial and body piercings), and distracting hair color and/or style are not permitted. Neat and appropriate dress is expected of all students. The principal or assistant principal shall determine if any particular mode of dress is not acceptable, is distracting, or is disruptive. Any exceptions to the following must have prior approval of the principal. Violations of the dress code can subject the offending student to disciplinary action. Parents may be notified and required to bring appropriate clothing to school. School system staff members regard school as students’ work. Rules for dress are designed accordingly. Acceptable dress is detailed below. Appropriate dress has a positive impact on behavior.
All clothing is to be worn in a normal, conventional fashion at all times. Pants/shorts/skirts must be worn at the waist. Clothing is to be of a size appropriate for the wearer. Oversized clothing is not to be worn. All shirts/blouses/tops are to be buttoned, laced, snapped, zipped, or otherwise fastened at all times.
All students are required to wear safe and appropriate shoes (no flip flops, cleats, high heels, bedroom shoes, other items). Shoes must have a strap around the heel if the heel back is bare in grades K-5 only (required as a safety measure for elementary children). Additional requirements may be made for certain potentially hazardous situations. Shoes must be appropriately tied, laced, buckled, or otherwise fastened.
Tank shirts are NOT to be worn on campus.
Hats, caps, bandanas, and other head coverings are NOT to be worn at school (including gym).
Dresses, skirts, and shorts must be within four inches of the top of the knee and be worn in a normal fashion.
No sunglasses, nonprescription glasses, or nonprescription contacts will be worn at school (including gym).
No beach or recreational clothing.
Chains (other than jewelry items worn in a conventional manner) cannot be worn. Chain belts cannot be worn.
Proper undergarments must be worn; undergarments cannot be worn as outer garments. Sleepwear items cannot be worn.
No sheer or see-through clothing will be allowed.
Shoulders, backs, chests, and other personal areas are to be covered.
Mini-skirts, bicycle shorts, cut-offs, leggings or other related apparel (unless worn with a regular length dress), and inappropriately short or tight clothing will not be allowed.
Clothing with holes and slits cannot be worn.
Unacceptable statements, symbols, or designs (including inappropriate sexual references) or drug or alcohol advertising are not permitted. No gang symbols will be worn or in a student’s possession. Unacceptable items include references to all racial symbols, unacceptable sayings, and other unacceptable symbols.
Students cannot wear articles of clothing, jewelry, or accessories which, in the opinion of the school principal, pose a clear and immediate threat to the physical well-being or safety of other students on campus or which constitute a distraction/disruption for others.
Statements, symbols, or other items cannot be worn on the seat of clothing.