The Richmond Hill High School’s Odyssey of the Mind participants will be going on to the state tournament next month, after all four teams qualified during the regional competition in Savannah on March 1.
Marc Linsky is this year’s Teacher Advisor for Odyssey of the Mind.
"Just first and second winners go on to the next competition," Linsky said. "We were up against schools like Johnson, Central Gwinnett, Savannah Arts Academy, and others."
Linsky said Richmond Hill High School and the Savannah Arts Academy are the only two regional schools that will continue to the state tournament this year.
Linsky said the students came in second in the Odyssey Road Valley category, second in The Wonderful Muses, second in the Eccentrics and they received first place in the Dynostories category.
"We had three teams qualify to go to the Odyssey of the Mind World Finals last year and one was able to go," Linsky said. "I think they have a good chance again this year; they’re a really incredible group of kids. They all bring something to their team and their solutions."
Linsky said there are several students who have been involved for many years already.
"Next year, I’d like to see it start again on the elementary and middle school levels," he said. "We have several high school students starting for the first time, which is great, but it would be nice to get parental involvement and start even earlier, fostering interest with all the students.
The state competition for Odyssey of the Mind will be Saturday, April 19, at Columbus State University and is open to the public. For more information about how Richmond Hill did in the regional competition, or for updates after the state tournament, visit