Tyler Mitchell is a new student at RHHS. I spoke with Tyler in order to gain insight on what it’s like to have to adjust to a new school. Having gone to school in Richmond Hill virtually all my life I was fascinated to hear what he had to say.
Q: When did you move to Richmond Hill?
A: We got here Aug. 1 for the start of football, but we stayed in a hotel for about three months until we could find a house.
Q: Where did you move from and why?
A: We moved from Birmingham, Alabama, because of my dad’s job. He works for Georgia Power.
Q: Have you had a hard time adjusting to Richmond Hill and the school system here?
A: Not really, because we’ve moved six times. I’m kinda used to it now.
Q: Other than football, are you in any sports or clubs?
A: I play baseball.
Q: Do you have any advice for any new students coming to Richmond Hill?
A: Don’t worry about fitting in, just be yourself.
- Stephen Hundley