A loving mother does a lot for her children. The first thing is that she carries this baby for an average of 9 months. This can be accompanied by discomfort and morning sickness and then for many the pains of childbirth.
The scripture teaches us that a mother forgets all about what she has to go through when the joy comes at the birth of this baby. John 16:21 says, “A woman giving birth to a child has pain because her time has come; but when her baby is born she forgets the anguish because of her joy that a child is born into the world.” She then cares for this child by changing diapers and caring o r her basic needs. (Hopefully the father shares with these responsibilities.) When a child hurts, most of the time it is the mother who offers comfort to this child. Why does a mother do the things they do for a child? It is because of her love for that child.
What happens when children grow up and a mother is the one that has the need for assistance and help. It is the children’s responsibility to make sure she is cared for. The scripture indicates that caring for one’s family is a test of one’s faith. I Timothy 5:8 states, “Anyone who won’t care for his own relatives when they need help ... has no right to say he is a Christian. Such a person is worse than a heathen.” Why would children decide to care for a mother in need? For the same reason mentioned earlier, the love of a child for their mother.
If your mother is still with you, let her know through words and actions that you love her.