From Richmond Hill Police Department reports:
Matter of record: A woman called RHPD around 9:30 p.m. March 1 because her son was “kicking on the front door.”
The woman told the responding officer “her son refused to follow the rules and be home on time, so she locked the door and went to bed,” and that the 17-year-old attends Bryan Academy, the county’s alternative school.
The officer told the woman she was still responsible for her son, and she “stated that she understood that, but had been making arrangements for her son to move in with his father in Chicago.” The woman said the teen’s father “needed time to handle some personal business before their son could move in.”
The teen apparently thought “his mother was not being honest with him and was forcing him to live with her against his wishes. (She) informed me that was not the case,” the officer wrote, noting the teen “agreed to be mindful of his mother’s rules until such time as he can move in with his father.”
Speeding, drugs: An officer was running radar on I-95 near mile marker 87 about 2 a.m. Feb. 24 when he clocked a car doing 92 mph. He pulled the car over.
The driver, a Florida woman, smelled of booze. She admitted having a margarita at a restaurant earlier but denied having anything else. She was arrested after field sobriety tests. While the officer was inventorying her car he reportedly found open containers of alcohol, cocaine and pot.
Affray: Cops were called to the Ford Plaza around 2:30 a.m. Feb. 29 due to a complaint of two men fighting in the La Nopalera parking lot. The reporting officer couldn’t find anyone there and went over to Flashbacks, where he was told a man had been told to leave earlier because of his conduct.
That man, who took off when he saw police, was known to carry a gun and was drunk, the report said, and at some point fell in the parking lot and messed up his face.
Police looked for the guy to see if he needed EMS, but had no luck. Later, a complainant found a shell casing in the road “in the dirt median area between La Nopalera and Flashbacks,” and gave it to RHPD. It was placed into evidence.
Drugs, etc; An Americus man was arrested Feb. 28 after police were called to Denny’s because an employee had money stolen from her purse the night before.
Police saw video of the theft, which allegedly showed the man taking money from her purse and leaving the restaurant. An officer then “asked around” and was told the man stays at a local motel. The officer spotted the man, who reportedly put up a fight before being told he’d be tased – the report said the officer told the man he’d ‘taze the ---- out of him if he kept moving,” – which was enough to get him to comply.
The report said the man had pot and meth on him and he was wanted in Dougherty County.
The man refused treatment by EMS and was taken to jail. The officer reported “minor tightness and pain in my lower back,” after the scuffle.
Fight: An officer was sent to a Creek Side address around 9:30 p.m. Feb. 27 regarding a battery call in which the complainant said her daughter was assaulted.
The teen, a student at Richmond Hill High School, said she’d been in an argument on Snapchat with a male student and called him a name. That somehow escalated into a fight in which the teen pepper sprayed others, but got some of her spray in her eyes and was then reportedly assaulted by the male student’s sisters. The teen looked like she’d been in a fight. The officer couldn’t get enough information to contact the other teens for their side of the story, and the teen’s mother wanted a restraining order issued against the male teen but declined to prosecute. The officer gave her a case number and emailed the school resource officer at RHHS about the incident since all the kids were students there.
Matter of record: An officer was asked Feb. 27 to call a woman “in reference to needing a report.”
“In speaking with (the woman) she was under the impression that the last time we spoke there was an incident report created. I explained to (the woman) that the last time she came to the police department she advised us that her maintenance man had taken control over the television in the common area and was not allowing anyone else to watch their programs,” the officer said. The woman had also “reported the maintenance man had entered her apartment to change the air filter without her permission.”
During the first conversation the woman said she’d talk to management “as it appeared that it would not be a criminal element to any of the things she was reporting but rather a civil matter …” On the second call the woman said she was missing certain things and didn’t know why there was no report – she was missing designer pants and some decorations. The officer took the woman’s information, gave the woman a case number and told her how to get a copy.
“Several minutes later (the woman) contacted dispatch to have them relay via radio that the report was sufficient enough and she wanted no further action taken. I acknowledged and completed a matter of record report. N/F.”