Georgia Department of Transportation’s safety enhancement project along portions of Interstate 16 that began in February of 2017 has entered the final phase, which consists of planting Georgia native trees.
“The transformation of the I-16 median is nearing completion,” said Georgia DOT District Engineer Bradford W. Saxon. “We began with a two-year plan that sought to strike a balance of the intended safety and operational benefits with aesthetic appeal. The results are in full bloom in the 90 acres of wildflowers planted along the corridor, and in the trees that are being planted to be enjoyed for years to come.”
This safety project has changed the median landscape along the I-16 corridor in Candler, Bulloch and Bryan counties. The medians transformation from previously dense overgrowth of trees and vegetation, to temporary barren terrain with debris, has now transitioned into blankets of colorful wild flowers and grassy meadows in many areas. A median cable barrier has also been installed to improve safety along the corridor.
The final stage is landscaping efforts that will occur at seven locations, with the planting of native hardwood trees like live oaks, red maple and magnolias. The landscape designs provide abundant clear zones for the safety of the traveling public while enhancing aesthetics throughout the corridor. In addition, maintenance of these medians will be more accessible and therefore cost affective.
The project remains on schedule to be completed in March 2019.