Amy Blocker, a fifth grade teacher at G.W. Carver Elementary School, answers this week's questions:
1. What do you feel is your greatest achievement?
My education. I am still in school, learning.
2. What, to you, is perfect happiness?
Having a healthy and happy family.
3. What one material possession would you save in the event of a fire (assuming your family was safe)?
I would save my pictures. They really are worth a thousand words!
4. What's the best advice you've ever been given?
Pam Arrington once told me to let little stuff go – you never know what a person was going through before they interacted with you.
5. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
I would love to be able to draw more than just a pretty circle. I’m a teacher, for crying out loud!
6. What is your greatest fear?
Losing my Mommy … and fires!
7. What real or fictional person do you most identify with?
Miss Honey from “Matilda.” I really do love my students that much!
8. If money weren't an object, how would you spend your time?
Teaching my students at fun places every day. We’d start at the local beaches.
9. What is your favorite thing about yourself?
My feet.
10. What trait do you most admire in another person?
Humor and a positive attitude.
11. What trait do you most deplore in another person?
12. Who are your favorite musicians?
George Strait, Billy Currington, Jason Aldean, and Tim McGraw.
13. What are your favorite books?
Nicholas Sparks books and historical fiction books.
14. What talent would you most like to have?
I wish I could draw.
Carver teacher answers this week's Proust Questionnaire
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