What does the new year mean to you?
For many it’s just "out with the old and in with the new." In other words, it’s just going to be the same ol’ same ol’.
Nothing will change, the same old habits will be indulged in. There will be no goals, no dreams and no ambitions to be sought after.
Others will make some New Year’s resolutions that 92 percent will not be successful in keeping. For most, the resolutions become just empty promises to themselves with little hope of seeing real change.
It becomes a game that lasts for a short while and then is repeated at the beginning of each new year.
And then there are those who are serious about real changes. Like the Apostle Paul in the book of Philippians, they "strain toward what is ahead and press on towards the goal."
They let the Lord give them the power to change from the inside out. They understand that going alone may not produce much fruit, but by humbly submitting to God’s authority they can do great things.
So what kind of person will you be?