Authority meeting
The Bryan County Development Authority will hold its regular meeting at 7:30 a.m. Thursday at Black Creek Golf Club.
Fun day
A Military Family Fun Day will be held from 3 to 5:30 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 18, at Savannah Tire off Hwy. 17 in Richmond Hill.
Hosted by Savannah Tire, the event will include an inflatable jump house, free pizza and soda, and 100 plush stuffed versions of the Savannah Tire mascot, “Max.”
Sgt. Rocky, the live bulldog mascot of the 3rd Infantry Division, will be on hand, along with some 3rd ID soldiers in uniform and a couple of military vehicles for children to climb aboard.
There will also be a raffle drawing for prizes, including four free oil changes at any Savannah Tire location. And at 5 p.m., there will be a premier of the latest episode of “Rock of the Marne,” a local TV series featuring 3rd Infantry Division soldiers deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan.
For more information, please contact Savannah Tire in Richmond Hill at 756-8473.
Relay kick-off
Relay For Life of Richmond Hill will hold its campaign kick-off at 7 p.m. Monday, Sept. 20, at the Richmond Hill City Center in J.F. Gregory Park.
Everyone is invited to the free kick-off, where the 2011 theme will be announced, along with all event and meeting dates. Light refreshments and drinks will be served.
Please RSVP to Civility Bowling at 547-1936 or LeAnn Flemmings at 856-3293. For more information, visit
Wildcat Romp
Richmond Hill Primary, Richmond Hill Elementary and G.W. Carver Elementary schools will hold the first Fall Festival-Wildcat Romp from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 2, at the schools.
There will be lots of fun for the entire family, including a rock-climbing wall, hamster roll, laser tag, inflatables, great games, food and even a chance to dunk the principals in the dunk tank.
There will also be a classic car show and the fire and police departments will be on hand.
All proceeds from the event will go toward funding playground equipment for the three schools.
For more information, contact 659-9785.
Poker run
American Legion Post 164 Pembroke and Legion Riders will sponsor a Poker Run on Saturday, Oct. 16. The run will form at the Post home in Pembroke and terminate at Hart’s Tavern in Lanier. First bike out at 9 a.m., last bike out at 10 a.m.; last bike in at 2 p.m. The route is 100 miles long. Licensed riders only.
The best hand wins $200 and the worst hand $50. Numerous door prizes will be drawn for and a light lunch and one poker hand will be included in the entry fee of $20. Extra hand or rider will be $5. There will be a 50/50 drawing also.
Come join them for a nice country ride, rain or shine. For more information, call BJ Clark at (912) 653-4958; Walt Myers at (912) 655-2906; Joe Lewis at (912) 842-9418; or Ernie Mitchell at (912) 653-7970.
Family picnic
Arts on the Coast Association will hold its annual family picnic from 5-8 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 25, at Fort McAllister State Historic Park.
Admission is free, as is parking and use of the playground. Entertainment will include dance groups, The Boomerang Band and visual arts displays of members’ artwork.
For more information, call (912) 884-3726.
Harvest Day
Bryan Neck Missionary Baptist Church invites the public to the first Harvest Day Service to be held at 4 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 3, at the church in Richmond Hill.
The speaker for the occasion will be Minister Terrence C. Riley of Fairmount Baptist Church in Savannah.
Movie screening
Savannah-Area Teen Age Republicans are hosting a conservative leader’s private screening of the new movie “I Want Your Money” from 10-11:30 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 25, Victory Square Stadium 9, 1901 E. Victory Drive, Savannah.
Advance tickets $12.50 each. Tickets may be ordered at
The movie is appropriate for ages 13 to 93, but limited seating is available. Proceeds benefit Savannah-Area Teen Age Republicans.
For more information, call 656-6857.
Family reunion
The descendants of James Benjamin and Frances Hodges Newman, Henry M. and Mary Ann Bacon Burnsed will combine their reunion this year.
There will be a basket dinner on Sept. 26 at 1 p.m. at the Senior Citizens Center in Pembroke. All relatives and friends are invited to attend.
For more information contact Billie Newman Demine, 912-667-5948 or 912-653-7292 or Rachel Harris at 912-667-3453.
Polio survivors
The Coastal Empire Polio Survivors Association will meet at 10:30 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 25, at the Candler Heart and Lung Building, 2nd Floor, Room 2 5353 Reynolds Street in Savannah.
Dr. Mark E. Murphy, gastroenterologist, will discuss “Digestive Health Issues for the Polio Survivor.”
Polio survivors and guests are invited.
For more information, call 355-1221 or (843) 837-1230, or visit
Food donations
September is Hunger Action Month. Help the one in six Americans struggling with hunger by dropping off canned goods and non-perishable donations to Palmer Chiropractic during business hours, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 3 to 6 p.m. Monday-Thursday. Palmer Chiropractic is located in Parker’s Square, 11400 Ford Ave., Richmond Hill.
Plantation tour
The Richmond Hill Historical Society is sponsoring a tour of the Ford Plantation from 1-3 p.m. Oct. 2.
Attendants will be picked up by trolley car from the Richmond Hill Museum grounds and taken to the Ford Plantation.
There will be a tour conductor on the trolley to present a commentary during the tour of the grounds and historic sites.
An afternoon reception will be held at the museum following the tour.
Tickets are $30 for historical society members and $35 for non-members. There are a limited number of tickets, which are on sale through the Richmond Hill Historical Society and Museum.
For more information or to reserve space, please call (912)756-3697.
Fundraiser dinner
The August birth month of the Bryan Neck Missionary Baptist Church is sponsoring a fundraiser dinner from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sept. 17-18 at the church.
Dinners include barbecue ribs, baked and fried chicken, potato salad, backbone rice, green beans and cornbread. Dinners are $10 and slabs of ribs are $20.
For more information, call 756-2412 or 727-2163.
Pumpkin Patch
Once again, it is time for the Richmond Hill Garden Club’s Pumpkin Patch. It will be held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 2, at the pavilion at J.F. Gregory Park.
Proceeds are used to provide a yearly scholarship to a Richmond Hill senior who will be pursuing a horticulture-related career.
Proceeds also fund beautification projects, such as gardens at Henderson Park and Bryan County Health and Rehabilitation Center.
Please call 727-5801 for further information.
The Bryan County Development Authority will hold its regular meeting at 7:30 a.m. Thursday at Black Creek Golf Club.
Fun day
A Military Family Fun Day will be held from 3 to 5:30 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 18, at Savannah Tire off Hwy. 17 in Richmond Hill.
Hosted by Savannah Tire, the event will include an inflatable jump house, free pizza and soda, and 100 plush stuffed versions of the Savannah Tire mascot, “Max.”
Sgt. Rocky, the live bulldog mascot of the 3rd Infantry Division, will be on hand, along with some 3rd ID soldiers in uniform and a couple of military vehicles for children to climb aboard.
There will also be a raffle drawing for prizes, including four free oil changes at any Savannah Tire location. And at 5 p.m., there will be a premier of the latest episode of “Rock of the Marne,” a local TV series featuring 3rd Infantry Division soldiers deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan.
For more information, please contact Savannah Tire in Richmond Hill at 756-8473.
Relay kick-off
Relay For Life of Richmond Hill will hold its campaign kick-off at 7 p.m. Monday, Sept. 20, at the Richmond Hill City Center in J.F. Gregory Park.
Everyone is invited to the free kick-off, where the 2011 theme will be announced, along with all event and meeting dates. Light refreshments and drinks will be served.
Please RSVP to Civility Bowling at 547-1936 or LeAnn Flemmings at 856-3293. For more information, visit
Wildcat Romp
Richmond Hill Primary, Richmond Hill Elementary and G.W. Carver Elementary schools will hold the first Fall Festival-Wildcat Romp from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 2, at the schools.
There will be lots of fun for the entire family, including a rock-climbing wall, hamster roll, laser tag, inflatables, great games, food and even a chance to dunk the principals in the dunk tank.
There will also be a classic car show and the fire and police departments will be on hand.
All proceeds from the event will go toward funding playground equipment for the three schools.
For more information, contact 659-9785.
Poker run
American Legion Post 164 Pembroke and Legion Riders will sponsor a Poker Run on Saturday, Oct. 16. The run will form at the Post home in Pembroke and terminate at Hart’s Tavern in Lanier. First bike out at 9 a.m., last bike out at 10 a.m.; last bike in at 2 p.m. The route is 100 miles long. Licensed riders only.
The best hand wins $200 and the worst hand $50. Numerous door prizes will be drawn for and a light lunch and one poker hand will be included in the entry fee of $20. Extra hand or rider will be $5. There will be a 50/50 drawing also.
Come join them for a nice country ride, rain or shine. For more information, call BJ Clark at (912) 653-4958; Walt Myers at (912) 655-2906; Joe Lewis at (912) 842-9418; or Ernie Mitchell at (912) 653-7970.
Family picnic
Arts on the Coast Association will hold its annual family picnic from 5-8 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 25, at Fort McAllister State Historic Park.
Admission is free, as is parking and use of the playground. Entertainment will include dance groups, The Boomerang Band and visual arts displays of members’ artwork.
For more information, call (912) 884-3726.
Harvest Day
Bryan Neck Missionary Baptist Church invites the public to the first Harvest Day Service to be held at 4 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 3, at the church in Richmond Hill.
The speaker for the occasion will be Minister Terrence C. Riley of Fairmount Baptist Church in Savannah.
Movie screening
Savannah-Area Teen Age Republicans are hosting a conservative leader’s private screening of the new movie “I Want Your Money” from 10-11:30 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 25, Victory Square Stadium 9, 1901 E. Victory Drive, Savannah.
Advance tickets $12.50 each. Tickets may be ordered at
The movie is appropriate for ages 13 to 93, but limited seating is available. Proceeds benefit Savannah-Area Teen Age Republicans.
For more information, call 656-6857.
Family reunion
The descendants of James Benjamin and Frances Hodges Newman, Henry M. and Mary Ann Bacon Burnsed will combine their reunion this year.
There will be a basket dinner on Sept. 26 at 1 p.m. at the Senior Citizens Center in Pembroke. All relatives and friends are invited to attend.
For more information contact Billie Newman Demine, 912-667-5948 or 912-653-7292 or Rachel Harris at 912-667-3453.
Polio survivors
The Coastal Empire Polio Survivors Association will meet at 10:30 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 25, at the Candler Heart and Lung Building, 2nd Floor, Room 2 5353 Reynolds Street in Savannah.
Dr. Mark E. Murphy, gastroenterologist, will discuss “Digestive Health Issues for the Polio Survivor.”
Polio survivors and guests are invited.
For more information, call 355-1221 or (843) 837-1230, or visit
Food donations
September is Hunger Action Month. Help the one in six Americans struggling with hunger by dropping off canned goods and non-perishable donations to Palmer Chiropractic during business hours, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 3 to 6 p.m. Monday-Thursday. Palmer Chiropractic is located in Parker’s Square, 11400 Ford Ave., Richmond Hill.
Plantation tour
The Richmond Hill Historical Society is sponsoring a tour of the Ford Plantation from 1-3 p.m. Oct. 2.
Attendants will be picked up by trolley car from the Richmond Hill Museum grounds and taken to the Ford Plantation.
There will be a tour conductor on the trolley to present a commentary during the tour of the grounds and historic sites.
An afternoon reception will be held at the museum following the tour.
Tickets are $30 for historical society members and $35 for non-members. There are a limited number of tickets, which are on sale through the Richmond Hill Historical Society and Museum.
For more information or to reserve space, please call (912)756-3697.
Fundraiser dinner
The August birth month of the Bryan Neck Missionary Baptist Church is sponsoring a fundraiser dinner from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sept. 17-18 at the church.
Dinners include barbecue ribs, baked and fried chicken, potato salad, backbone rice, green beans and cornbread. Dinners are $10 and slabs of ribs are $20.
For more information, call 756-2412 or 727-2163.
Pumpkin Patch
Once again, it is time for the Richmond Hill Garden Club’s Pumpkin Patch. It will be held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 2, at the pavilion at J.F. Gregory Park.
Proceeds are used to provide a yearly scholarship to a Richmond Hill senior who will be pursuing a horticulture-related career.
Proceeds also fund beautification projects, such as gardens at Henderson Park and Bryan County Health and Rehabilitation Center.
Please call 727-5801 for further information.