Bomber Girls Ladies’ Riding Club, a group of female motorcycle enthusiasts formed in 2007 with a goal of “supporting military personnel and their families,” has been making an impact by holding local fundraising events to send care packages overseas to deployed soldiers.
“We had so many friends (deployed) over there when we started out,” said president and founding member, Cindy Hashaw. “We try to send four or five (shipments of) packages a year. We’re up to 40-45 recipients. It started out with people that we knew, and then when we have events, people know other guys over there and give us their addresses.”
On August 20, Bomber Girls LRC will host an “After Dark Blackjack Run,” beginning at Carter Ink (3801 Hwy. 17, Richmond Hill) and ending at Fannie’s on the Beach on Tybee. Registration will be from 7-8 p.m. at Carter Ink, and all vehicles are welcome. The cost is $15 per hand, $5 for additional hands, and $1 to hit. All proceeds will go towards purchasing items for and shipping care packages.
To find out more about Bomber Girls and how you can contribute to their cause, visit
“We had so many friends (deployed) over there when we started out,” said president and founding member, Cindy Hashaw. “We try to send four or five (shipments of) packages a year. We’re up to 40-45 recipients. It started out with people that we knew, and then when we have events, people know other guys over there and give us their addresses.”
On August 20, Bomber Girls LRC will host an “After Dark Blackjack Run,” beginning at Carter Ink (3801 Hwy. 17, Richmond Hill) and ending at Fannie’s on the Beach on Tybee. Registration will be from 7-8 p.m. at Carter Ink, and all vehicles are welcome. The cost is $15 per hand, $5 for additional hands, and $1 to hit. All proceeds will go towards purchasing items for and shipping care packages.
To find out more about Bomber Girls and how you can contribute to their cause, visit