The parent and community members of the Richmond Hill Primary School PTSO volunteer group are the envy of several of Georgia’s top performing elementary school administrators. Visiting RHPS for the purpose of completing a five year Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) evaluation, the team of two Georgia principals, two teachers, and an Assistant Superintendent were quick to compliment the group.
It was clear that the volunteers provide tremendous support and assistance to students, teachers, administrators and staff.
The volunteer group is composed of parents, grandparents, retired teachers, and community members. They help to reinforce a partnership among teachers, administrators, and parents. They create a true feeling of family at the Primary School.
The PTSO at RHPS is led by President Karen Becker, Vice President Catherine Bowen, Secretary Karla McKenzie, and Treasurer Jennifer Cox. In addition to the many projects spearheaded by these four dynamos, there are hundreds of volunteer hours put in by over 200 smiling faces each and every week. They are part of the everyday scenery at the Primary School. Their presence speaks volumes to their children. They know their parents value education. They are here because they see volunteering for what it truly is: a way to enrich the education of their children.
The PTSO at RHPS provides resources of both people and financial support. They have assisted in the purchase of digital cameras and Smart Boards. They provide sweets and treats for every occasion. They serve as room moms, student reading buddies, classroom presenters, field trip chaperones, event coordinators, library assistants, book fair workers, committee members, print shop copiers, classroom helpers, and safety patrols helping to get first time kindergartners from the classroom door to mom’s car.
The PTSO at RHPS is a source of many benefits. The staff has increased familiarity with parents and additional help for large projects. Students have increased individual attention and gain a sense of how important their education is to their parents. Volunteers are given the opportunity to contribute in meaningful ways and to become familiar with the school’s curriculum, programs, and expectations. The community develops a stronger sense of togetherness and pride in their school.
The students, faculty, staff, and administrators of Richmond Hill Primary School say "Thank You" to all of our PTSO members and volunteers. We could not do what we do to be successful without your support.
- by Mary Ann Tiedemann
Principal RHPS