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Continue support of Morrill Act, land-grant universities
Letter to the editor
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Editor, In June, The World Food Prize Foundation awarded land-grant universities with the Norman E. Borlaug Medallion in honor of the 150 years of agricultural growth under the Morrill Act of 1862. This prestigious award has been presented to only three additional world initiatives since its creation in 2006.

Land-grant universities have been the backbone of agricultural development and stability. The research and extension programs of land-grant universities have propelled agricultural growth with the development of new farming techniques and technology — and their applications in industry and in the community — that have guided each generation of farmers to success and have helped feed American families, generation after generation. Moreover, land grant university research and education impacts not just the food supply but also jobs, national security and public health.

Today, millions of jobs in the United States are directly correlated to farming, and billions more are tangentially affected by the success of the agriculture industry in vital ways.

As state senator and chairman of the Senate Higher Education Committee, I believe it is essential to continue to achieve the best education for Georgia citizens and all Americans. Land-grant universities such as the University of Georgia and Fort Valley State University provide the education and knowledge to which all Americans are entitled.

It is essential to continue to support the Morrill Act and land-grant universities —to ensure a plentiful and safe food supply, bolster employment, protect economic stability, and provide Americans with the knowledge and skills necessary to ensure our country remains a leader in agricultural innovation.

— Ga. Sen. Buddy Carter, R-Pooler

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