Officials are considering whether to consolidate the Richmond Hill Fire Department with Bryan County Fire and Emergency Services.
Bryan County Commission Chairman Carter Infinger said Jan. 3 he and Richmond Hill Mayor Russ Carpenter will meet soon, and consolidation is one of several issues on the table.
In a text, Carpenter confirmed the two governments will discuss a consolidated fire service in South Bryan.
“Certainly, Richmond Hill will be talking with the county about fire department consolidation,” Carpenter said. “Is it financially beneficial to the city, and will our level of service be impacted? These are the issues we must consider. Chairman Infinger and I have discussed this and will be meeting soon.”
Richmond Hill recently lost its fire chief, Ralph Catlett, toretirement. The city also nearly doubled in size after agreeing in 2017 to annex more than 5,000 acres in South Bryan in an area set for residential and commercial development.
Bryan County Fire and Emergency Services Director Freddy Howell said he’ll do whatever officials decide.
“I’m all for either one. I’ll do either,” But I think the city and county should ante up and have a consultant come in and identify the pros and cons, and then go off their recommendation,” Howell said.
Athens and Clarke County is one example of a county where such services have merged.