New co-pays for prescription drugs covered by TRICARE began Feb. 1.
The 2015 National Defense Authorization Act requires TRICARE to increase most pharmacy co-pays by $3. Drugs from military pharmacies and generic drugs from TRICARE Pharmacy Home Delivery still cost beneficiaries $0.
TRICARE pharmacy co-pays vary based on the class of drug and where beneficiaries choose to fill their prescriptions.
Home-delivery co-pays for formulary brand-name drugs are going from $13 to $16, and for nonformulary from $43 to $46.
At the retail pharmacy network, co-pays for generic formulary drugs go from $5 to $8, brand-name formulary go from $17 to $20 and non-formulary from $44 to $47.
Military pharmacies offer no-cost drugs, and generic formulary medications at home delivery remain $0.
Co-pays at non-network retail pharmacies also will change, based on the changes to retail co-pays.
TRICARE raises pharmacy co-pays

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