We got word Monday that a Pembroke man was among those still missing after last week’s explosion at that Imperial Sugar Refinery. More word came Tuesday that another resident who worked at Imperial may be among the missing. It’s tough to know exactly what to say at a time like this, but please know the thoughts and prayers of those of us who work at this newspaper are with all the families of those impacted by the tragedy.
Similarly, we salute the men and women who have responded to help - whether they’re public safety or government personnel who went to fight the fire and help take care of the injured, or private citizens who donated blood, money or time.
It’s moments such as this - and the recent tornadoes which tore at communities in the South, claiming many lives - that remind us of two things: How fragile our existence really is and how tragedy brings out the best in man.
Bryan County News
Feb. 13, 2007