Bryan County Fire and Emergency Services were called out to a structure fire at 4:46 a.m. Monday on the 100 block of Wade Carter Road in Ellabell, and it apparently could have been a lot worse.
No one was injured in the fire, the cause of which is still unknown, according to Bryan County EMS Director Freddy Howell. But the fire, which destroyed a shed, threatened a nearby propane tank.
Howell said two engines, a tanker and two fire medic units responded to find the shed fully involved and “heavy fire impinging on a propane tank which was already venting. The fire was rapidly brought under control and cooling of the tank begun to avoid a dangerous B.L.E.V.E. as additional resources from BCES Stations 4 and 6 as well as Pembroke Fire arrived to assist.”
BLEVE is the acronym for a “boiling liquid expanding vapor explosion.”
Howell said firefighters coordinated a well-orchestrated "pressurized container" attack, “led by Sgt. Matt Fleming, who was able to eventually secure the flow of gas despite finding the main valve had failed and the safety pressure relief valve had subsequently not activated.”
Howell said engines 51 and 71, tanker 51 and FireMedic 5 and 7 were the first to respond.
“Damage to the nearby home's exposure was prevented and there were no injuries to the public, homeowner or fire personnel,” he said. “Once the fire was extinguished and situation rendered safe, the scene was turned over to the homeowner with the oil company representatives present.”