Each day a member completes a workout, Curves of Richmond Hill views it as a milestone, but it’s not every day that a member can celebrate her 1,000th workout.
Cynthia Brown, a Curves of Richmond Hill member, was recently recognized for her completion of 1,000 workouts.
“We are absolutely thrilled with Cynthia for demonstrating such commitment and dedication to reaching her goals. She is a true inspiration to all of us at Curves of Richmond Hill, as well as all of our members,” said Delene Broeckling, owner of Curves of Richmond Hill. “Cynthia’s achievement is creating a buzz in the club and we’re excited to share that with everyone, including the local community.”
Brown joined Curves of Richmond Hill on in April 2004. After working out for one month she said “it makes me feel good about myself.”
Cynthia convinced her daughter, Ellen Thacker, to join Curves the following December. Both women have been dedicated and consistent with their workouts.
Thacker received her 600 workout t-shirt just days after her mother Cynthia received her 1,000 workout t-shirt.
For more information about Curves of Richmond Hill , or Cynthia Brown’s accomplishment, please contact Delene Broeckling at 756-6611 or visit www.curves.com.
Mother, daughter hit workout milestones

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