From Bryan County Sheriff’s Office reports:
Matter of record: Deputies were sent to a Highway 144 address on Dec. 12 regarding a woman telling her doctor’s office she was going to “blow her brains out,” a report said. Deputies met with the woman, who said “she did say that as she was hanging up the phone, but it was out of frustration,” the report said, noting the woman told deputies “all she said was, ‘with all this run around, why do I even try, I might as well blow my brains out.’”
The woman told the deputies she has health issues and feels like her doctor’s office is giving her the run around.
The woman
also said she “did not want to harm herself, nor has she ever actually
contemplated it, she was just frustrated with the situation she is dealing with.”
The woman’s husband said the same.
Theft: An Ellabell woman reported Dec. 12 her husband’s moped was stolen. The woman said she knew her husband didn’t take it because he was in jail. She said she wasn’t sure if her son moved it but she took a good look around the property and couldn’t find it. “She said a couple of days ago her husband’s meth head friends stopped by and she isn’t sure if they took it.” She didn’t know their last names, but gave deputies their first names.
Matter of record: A deputy reported finding a dog that had been hit by a car around 11 a.m. Dec. 12 on Wilma Edward Roads near Christ Baptist Church. “The dog was lying in a pool of blood; its mouth was filled with blood and it had blood on its back. It was breathing shallowly and was unable to move.”
The deputy contacted animal control, but no one was able to come. The deputy did the humane thing.
“At this point, with no vehicles or people present, I fired my service weapon into the dog to end its suffering. I then removed the dog from the roadway.”