From Bryan County Sheriff's Office reports:
Damage to
property: A man said he was driving east on Highway 144 around 5:20 p.m. Nov.
30 when he ran into a line of traffic stopped due to road construction. “(He)
stated there was a construction worker in the highway with a pressure washer,
the worker was facing the spray towards the stopped cars. (He) stated he heard
the pavement and gravel striking his car as the worker came towards his
The man said he got home and found the driver’s side of his car with “extensive
paint chips the entire length of the car,” as well as marks on the windshield.
The man wanted the damage documented. The deputy tried to “make contact” with
the road crew, but they’d already gone for the weekend.
Theft: A man reported Wednesday that someone stole “almost all of the sheet metal from a 30x40 foot shed,” and “whoever stole the sheet metal had also removed all the electrical wiring from the building also.”
The shed on Countryside Drive belonged to a disabled Ellabell woman who was unable to meet with the reporting deputy at the scene, but the complainant said the theft occurred at some point within the past three weeks. The deputy noted that “the suspect had removed the sheet metal from most of the vehicle, except for the roof. Several sheets still remained on the back, however these sheets had been unbolted and were still hanging loosely. The front of the building’s metal was mostly removed, as well as both sides.”
The woman said she didn’t have insurance, and the damage to the shed was estimated at about $5,000.
Damage: Reason No. 428,349 to drive carefully out there. Deputies and Richmond Hill Police Department officers responded shortly before 7 a.m. Dec. 5 to a two-car accident on I-95 north in which “both vehicles ran over the same metal object in the roadway.” Authorities found the cars parked on the shoulder, and “both appeared to be disabled.” Further investigation revealed the object both vehicles hit was a bumper belonging to a semi called a “Mansfield bar,” according to the report. The bumper had a Tennessee license plate and a trucking company’s logo, and the deputy was able to get in touch with a company representative who acknowledged the bumper belonged to their company. She in turn asked for documentation of the damage and said she would reach out to the drivers.
Burglary: A Pembroke hunting club representative called deputies Dec. 5 after discovering someone trespassed onto the club, damaged two campers and stole rifles, a generator, a Polaris Ranger and a trailer.
The thieves had cut the lock and damaged the gate while trespassing, then busted windows on camper doors while prying them open. They also ransacked the campers.
Serial numbers for the stolen items were given to authorities.
Burglary: An Arden Park Drive woman reported Dec. 6 someone tried to break into her shed using a screwdriver to remove the hinges. In all, whoever did it took out 17 screws and did so in a manner “indicative of an offender who took their time and was not concerned with being caught,” the report said.
Unruly teen: A deputy was called to a Mack English Road address around 5:20 a.m. Nov. 27 because a father had apparently had enough. From the report, “(complainant) stated that his (15-year-old son) had been staying out late and running the streets, mouthing off to the parents, not completing his school work and being unruly in general.”
The complainant said the boy got in his face, broke a lamp, snatched the complainant’s glasses off his face and threw them, then called the complainant a name. The boy was arrested, then released back to his parents after the deputy talked to a juvenile caseworker.
Theft: Deputies were sent to an Ellabell address on Dec. 3 regarding stolen firearms. They met a man who said he “had two AR-15 type guns, in cases, under his bed. He said he went to go get one yesterday and they were gone.”
The man said there was no sign of a break-in and he thinks his son might have something to do with it. The man also said he doesn’t check for the weapons regularly and “that this could have happened last week.” He gave deputies serial numbers for the weapons, etc.
Matter of record: A woman reported Dec. 3 she was driving down Wilma Edwards Road around 11:30 a.m. when she thought three males walking down the road threw something at her car. “She said that she turned around in the road and pulled beside them,” the report said. “She advised that she asked them what they threw at her car, they replied ‘nothing.’ She said that she asked them if they had a problem because of the attitude she was receiving. One of the males said in response to her comment, ‘you want a problem,’ and flashed a gun that was in his waistband.” The woman said she drove away and called 911. Deputies were unable to find the three males.
Matter of record: Deputies were sent to I-16 early in the morning of Dec. 4 regarding a damaged semi. There they met the driver, who said he was headed east on I-16 when he hit something in the road. The man said he wasn’t sure what he hit, but when he stopped to check his truck he found what looked like motor oil all over the cab.
Deputies found “a large amount of oil in the road” where the impact happened and a “destroyed 55-gallon drum near the area of the puddle and determined it was the object that the truck hit.”
The impact left oil all over the road and the truck. “Deputies were able to locate the lid to the drum, but it did not have any information as to who the owner may be.” Deputies helped direct traffic with GDOT while the oil was removed from I-16. The truck sustained minor damage, the report said.