TIFTON — The Georgia Museum of Agriculture and Historic Village at Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College will host the Georgia Folklife Festival, a celebration of art and culture, from 10 a.m.–5 p.m. April 2. Admission is $10 for adults, $4 for children 5–16 and free for children younger than 5.
Activities will include soap-making, sheep-shearing, music by the ABAC Bluegrass Band and children’s activities. Vendors and artists will be on hand to sell original works and traditional fare. Visitors can ride the steam-engine train for $3 and purchase homemade sausage biscuits, soup and cornbread and pound cake during the event.
“Folklife is a great way to kick off spring at the museum,” museum Director Paul Willis said. “The event spotlights activities that aren’t featured on a daily basis, like the turpentine still and sheep shearing.”
The festival will be accompanied by a “plein aire” gathering of local artists. Plein aire artists will work outdoors during the day to create paintings on site.
For more information on the Georgia Folklife Festival, call Garrett Boone at the museum at (229) 391-5204. Vendors interested in participating in this event should call Polly Huff, exhibit coordinator from the ABAC Arts Connection, at (229) 391-5222 or e-mail phuff@abac.edu.
Ag center to host folk festival

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