Rick Smith, who runs GED programs for Savannah Technical College in Bryan County, faces the questions this week:
1. What do you feel is your greatest achievement?
Marrying my wife and raising our two daughters to adulthood.
2. What, to you, is perfect happiness?
Holding my 2-year-old grandson and my newborn granddaughter.
3. What one material possession would you save in the event of a fire (assuming your family was safe)?
My stockpot.
4. What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given?
Follow your dreams, not a timetable.
5. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
I wouldn’t worry so much.
6. What is your greatest fear?
I’m a worrier. I fear everything.
7. What real or fictional person do you most identify with?
I have two. Martin Luther because he was an agent of change, and Curly from “The Three Stooges” because he never gets anything right.
8. What is your greatest extravagance?
9. If money weren’t an object, how would you spend your time?
Doing exactly what I’m doing today.
10. What is your favorite thing about yourself?
My sense of humor and sense of purpose.
11. What trait do you most admire in another person?
The ability to set a target and work wholeheartedly toward it.
12. What trait do you most deplore in another person?
I very much dislike bullies of any kind and people who are self-important.
13. Who are your favorite musicians?
Harry Chapin.
14. What are your favorite books?
“Rethinking Literacy Education” by B. Allan Quigley.
15. What talent would you most like to have?
To be able to play the piano.
Proust questionnaire: Rick Smith
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