Alex Jordan Kohler earned the rank of Eagle Scout on Oct. 23.
He is the second son of Barry and Joannie Kohler to earn the award, with a third son in line soon to follow. Only about 2 percent of boys in scouting earn the achievement.
Alex Kohler also received a proclamation from the city of Pembroke and the Grand Lodge of Georgia F&AM achievement award from the Masonic Grand Lodge of Georgia. Last month, he received a proclamation from the Bryan County Board of Commissioners for all of his achievements.
Kohler’s Eagle project was for Ellabell United Methodist Church. He renovated the playground by building an arbor with a picnic table. He upgraded the volleyball field with new silt, new sand, a new net and two concrete benches. He also cut the grass and weeded the area.
Kohler started as a Tiger Cub in first grade and earned his Arrow of Light while a Webelo Scout. He has earned 31 merit badges, hiked or biked more than 250 miles and camped more than 100 nights.
Local scout earns eagle rank
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