A man who answers to Carter Infinger as chairman of the Bryan County Commission answers this week’s questions.
Q: What is your name and current job title?
A: Ben Taylor, county administrator
Q: How has Carter Infinger impacted the county with his role as chairman?
A: Carter has helped to bring a progressive movement into the county as an organization, even before he was chairman. He recognizes that the organization must grow and adapt with the increasing population within its borders. He also has the patience and persistence to see this transformation through.
Q: How do you feel the county responded to handling the preparation and aftermath of Hurricane Irma?
A: For the most part, we were prepared. We learned a lot from Hurricane Matthew. We also learned a lot from this event as well. Matthew was particularly wind, while Irma introduced the flooding aspect.
Q: Moving forward, do you see areas of improvement as far as community preparations are concerned?
A: Regarding community preparations, I would say stay calm and please heed the recommended evacuation requests.
Q: In what ways do you feel the community can play a bigger role in preparing and enduring future unpredictable weather conditions, such as tropical storms, hurricanes, etc.?
A: Continue to look out for your neighbor and fellow citizens. I have heard so many examples of neighbor helping neighbor, whether it be prior to the storm, during or in the immediate aftermath. I hope that dedication to each other is something our community never loses.