Have you every wondered about why some people use the Richmond Hill Public Library more often than others?
The answer to this question may surprise you. I would like to take this opportunity to explain why you should not only have a library card, but also use it frequently.
First of all I would like to explain that we are a member library of PINES (Public Information Network for Electronic Services) which opens many doors to the libraries in the State of Georgia.
What is PINES?
PINES is a network of libraries that includes 275 facilities with about 9 million books and other items. We have about 2 million active PINES cardholders from all 159 Georgia counties.
The PINES library card is free to any resident of Georgia, and may be obtained from any PINES library. Your PINES library card can be used at any PINES facility as if at the home library.
Materials may be returned to any PINES library. Users may request materials delivered from any PINES library to the local library, at no charge. New books are protected from intra-PINES loans for six months.
As you can see, we may be small, but we are truly well connected.
Here in Richmond Hill we offer our patrons a wide variety of materials, like books, movies, audio books, magazines, newspapers, access to Galileo -- a web-based virtual library -- and of course two hours of free computer/Internet use per day.
We offer programs for children and adults here at the library and story time in the classroom for kindergarten and first grade at our local public school.
These days, money is tight everywhere, and the public library offers its services and materials free of charge.
How can you say no to that? Where else can you go and get a movie, check out a book, read your favorite magazine and access the Internet all at the same time and for free?
If you are curious about how much money your public library can save you, please go to www.strl.info. This is the website for Statesboro Regional Public Libraries (our headquarters), and on the right side of the screen towards the bottom of the page you find a link to “How much does your Library save you?”
When you follow that link, you find the Library Use Value Calculator where you enter how many books you might/do check out per month, how many magazines and movies and how often you use the Internet. The calculator will, in turn, tell you what that same service would cost you if you were to purchase it.
Caution, the results may cause shock.
Did I convince you to get a library card? If yes, please bring your valid picture ID (driver's license) and proof of residence to apply for your library card.
Hope to see you soon!
George is an assistant library manager at the Richmond Hill Library.