In 1 Timothy 2:3, we read the following words: "This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved."
Salvation, or being saved, are words synonymous with Christianity. So a question is: What are Christians saved from?
First, a believer in Christ is saved from an unfulfilled life. It isn’t until a person finds Jesus that they can experience true fulfillment and purpose.
We can also be saved from the power of sin. When Jesus comes into our lives by way of his Spirit, then he gives us power to be able to say no to the temptation to sin.
We are also saved from the guilt of sin since we know all of our sins are forgiven. Romans 8:1 reminds us of this when it states, "Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus."
Finally, we are saved from the consequences of sin, which is eternal damnation. In other words, we can spend eternity in heaven rather than hell.
The good news is that this salvation is not just for a select few, but for anyone and everyone who is willing to become a Christ follower.