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Obey God to fulfill you purpose
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I am not a huge fan of the computer. Oh, I am well aware that they have made our lives better in many ways. I am grateful for the ways they make my life easier. I can send pictures to my dad at no cost. I can order stuff online. I can correct spelling and grammar mistakes easily and quickly.
But computers also are the source of much heartache and heartburn. Identity theft basically was unknown prior to the advent of the computer. People had to take responsibility for their mistakes instead of blaming “computer error.”
I jokingly tell people that I prefer a laptop computer to a desktop for only one reason. When I’m fed up with it, I can get more distance with the laptop when I fling it in anger.
I’m kidding. First, I’ve never owned a laptop. And second, I’m too cheap to throw a computer, no matter how frustrated I am with it.
At the moment, I am experiencing difficulties with my office computer. Slow does not even begin to describe my access to the Internet.
I have run a few cleaning programs, and to date they have not helped. Sometime soon, I will have to get it repaired. It simply is not doing the job it was intended to do.
It’s funny, isn’t it? Sometimes I don’t do the job I was intended to do, either.
I was created to bring honor and glory to God. That is the true meaning of my existence. But I often fail to see it or do it.
I fail to bring honor to the Lord when I clearly make bad choices in life. I fail to bring honor to him when I refuse to worship him. I fail to bring honor to him when I do not treat others as I should. And the list goes on and on.
So, what is the secret to it all? How might I bring honor to the One who made me? I do so as I have a better understanding of his plans for me and seek to obey what he has told me to do.
Since God created me, it only makes sense that he would know best how I should live. That is the point that so many fail to see. God knows me better than I know myself, because he made me. And he made me for himself.
I pray that I will find my purpose and meaning in life in the One who created me. I pray the same for you.
May God help us to see that the plans he has for us are only the best for us. We can fulfill our purpose in life as we seek to follow him.

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