A few weeks ago, we went to Indiana for vacation. We made reservations to stay in a cabin at a state park with no air conditioning.
This usually is not a problem, because the temperatures there are not too extreme and a fan is all one needs in order to sleep in comfort. This year was an exception to the norm; the average daily high temperature there was 106 and the average low was 80.
We went to a store, bought a portable air conditioner and set it up in the cabin. We noticed there was cool air coming from it, but it really never brought the temperature down that much. When we left, we set it up in the home of one of our elderly relatives who could really use it. When we got home, this relative called us and said she figured out that we had set up the air conditioner on the wrong mode, and it had her house so cold that she had to turn it up. (She probably read the instruction manual).
We thought the whole time we were using it that the reason it wasn’t working well was that it was so hot and that there was no insulation in the cabin.
I believe there are people in this world who are operating spiritually in the wrong mode. They know there is a higher power or a god, and they are trying to find their way to him. But in their pursuit they are really not being satisfied; their inner needs are not being met. They are following some false religion or some cult that they think will give them peace and eternal joy but find out the journey is filled with emptiness and disappointment.
In a spiritual sense, they are operating in the wrong mode.
Jesus declared with authority that he is the way, the truth and the life, and that no one really finds God except through following him. He offers forgiveness, peace and eternal life.
A songwriter penned it well when he wrote, “Only Jesus satisfies the soul.” What mode are you operating in, or are you even in a mode? The Scriptures teach us that for those who will seek the truth, they will find it.
Are you operating in the wrong mode?

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