Mill Creek Baptist
Mill Creek Baptist Church’s Junior Mission will have its annual Family and Friends Day picnic and program today. On July 21, the Picnic will begin at 2 p.m. There will be activities and games, and refreshments. On July 22, at 3 p.m., the mission will hold a Family and Friends program. Guest speaker will be the Rev. Elroy Herman. The public is invited.
Bryan Bank & Trust’s SummerFest is today from 11 a.m.–2 p.m. Register to win a grand prize of 100 gallons of free gas, a second prize of 50 gallons, or third prize of 25 free gallons. Lunch will be provided by MacDaddy’s and door prizes will be given away every hour. Located in Richmond Hill at Hwy. 144/9971 Ford Ave., 756-4444.
Open house
The Dinner A’Fare, a ready-to-cook meal preparation concept, will hold an "Open House and Food Tasting" from 2-5 p.m today at 11360 Ford Avenue (Parker's Square) in Richmond Hill. There is no cost to attend. For more information or to register online visit
Mother-daughter lunch
A mother-daughter luncheon will be held Wednesday, July 25 beginning at noon at Carey Hilliard's banquet room, 11111 Abercorn St. Ext. The cost is $9.75, inclusive. Tempe Brown will sing and speak. For free nursery, call Faye at 925-6129. For luncheon reservations, call Faye at 925-8192. Sponsored by the Chatham County Christian Women's Club.
Hula GOP
The Bryan County Republican Party will host a Hawaiian extravaganza on July 28 at 6:30 p.m. at the Outrigger restaurant in Kilkenny. The event, Hula in the Hill, is the major annual fundraiser for the group.
Advance tickets are $50 per person. For information, contact the Bryan County GOP at
NAACP to meet
The Bryan County NAACP Interest Group monthly meeting will be held at Bryan Neck Missionary Baptist Church, 16525 Hwy. 144, Richmond Hill on Monday, July 30 starting at 7 p.m. Special guest speaker will be Richmond Hill author Lisa Dumas Harris. All are welcome and encouraged to attend. For information call Dave Williams at 653-3472.
Historical society
On Aug. 2, the Richmond Hill Historical Society’s monthly lecture series will present Jim Bitler, the On-Island Co-ordinator for the Ossabaw Island Foundation as the featured speaker. Mr. Bitler came to the Georgia coast in 1985 to work as a naturalist at Little St Simmons Island and then moved on to become the program director of Wilderness South East. All of the society's meetings are open to the general public and are free. The Aug. 2 meeting will be held at the Wetlands Center in Gregory Park, in Richmond Hill at 7 p.m. If you have questions or need directions please call 756-3697 or 756-2676.
Blood drive
There are several opportunities to donate blood in the upcoming weeks. American Red Cross blood drives in the area include one Aug. 8 from noon-7 p.m. at Richmond Hill First Baptist Church on 9184 Ford Ave.
Additional blood drives are scheduled on July 28 from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. in Hinesville at WOAH radio station on 828 E.G. Miles Pkwy; a drive on Aug. 1 from 1-6 p.m. at Liberty Regional Medical Center, 426 E.G. Miles Pkwy., and one on Aug. 8 from 2-7 p.m. in Claxton at the Veteran's Community Center, Hwy. 280 West.