Buddy Walk
The Lowcountry Down Syndrome Society, a local support group for persons with Down syndrome and their families, will be hosting the Second Annual Buddy Walk Festival on Oct. 6 in Forsyth Park in Historic Downtown Savannah.
The Buddy Walk Festival will include a one-mile walk followed by a day of family fun with rides, music, food, and entertainment.
Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. (but pre-registration is welcomed) and the walk starts at 10:30. The Festival lasts from 11 a.m.-2 p.m.
For more information or to register, call John or Candy Bogardus at 728-8505 or 663-8573 or visit www.LDSSGA.org.
Spiritual Impact
A Spiritual Impact Conference will be held at Pembroke City Hall on Saturday, Oct. 6 with two power packed sessions, 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. Guest speakers will be Rev. Lelon and Teal Jeffers of International Impact Ministries of Collins, Ga. Anyone who may be searching for a time of spiritual refreshing is welcome to attend. The conference focus will be "Word," "Worship", and "Works". For more information, please call Bishop David C. Norris at 912-653-3696 or 912-653-3597.
Pumpkin Patch
Richmond Hill Garden Club will hold their Seventh Annual Pumpkin Patch on Saturday, Oct. 6 from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. at the J. F. Gregory Park in Richmond Hill.
The club will have pumpkins, mums, straw and corn stalks for sale. There will be face painting, pictures with Mrs. Pumpkin, a fish pond and a special appearance of "Mr. Magic." For more information call 727-3219.
Fort McAllister
Tour Fort McAllister by candle light and witness skits put on by Civil War soldiers as they carry out their nightly duties on Saturday, Oct. 20 from 7-8 p.m. The cost is $4 for adults and $2.50 for children. No flashlights allowed. For more information call 727-2339.
Retired educators
The Bryan/Evans Retired Educators Association meets the second Tuesday of the month. The next meeting is Oct. 9 at 10:30. For information and location call Esther Sexson (Richmond Hill) 727-3013 or Jean Owens (Pembroke) 653-4732.
The Miss Georgia Harvest Pageant Board is now accepting applications for the November pageant. Contestants must be between the ages of 14-18. Preliminary applications are due by Oct. 22. Please visit their web site at www.claxtonffaalumni.wordpress.com for more information and a copy of the application or contact Missy Brown at 912-739-8904 or 912-531-3469 or metaz_devil@yahoo.com, or Katie Kennedy at katie_louise_kennedy@yahoo.com.
Go bird watching
Fall is here. The birds are here. It is the perfect time for the Fifth Annual Georgia’s Colonial Coast Birding and Nature Festival, Oct. 12-14. To obtain more information, log on the festival web site at www.coastalgeorgiabirding.org.
Donations sought
Friends of the Martin family have opened a trust fund to help offset medical costs for Richmond Hill High School student Emily Martin.
Martin was brought to intensive care at Memorial Hospital on Sept. 22 due to injuries sustained in an automobile accident on Little Neck Road.
All donations to the account will be used to help offset medical expenses incurred throughout Martin’s extended hospital stay, as well as for medical equipment and physical therapy that may be required during her recovery.
Donations can be made to the Martin family at Bryan Bank and Trust on Ford Avenue, 756-4444.
Smoke detectors
In an on-going effort to provide fire safety to Richmond Hill residents, the Richmond Hill Fire Department is offering free smoke detectors. These detectors can be picked up at the fire station on 722 Timber Trail.
Please stop by the station if you don’t have a smoke detector in your home or you need a new one (if your detector is 10 years or older, you need to replace it). A limited quantity are available and will be given away on a first-come, first-serve basis. You will be required to fill out a short form when you get your detector. For more information please call: 756-3474.
Rummage, bake sale
The Richmond Hill Historical Society is holding a Rummage and Bake Sale to raise funds for the Annual Christmas Banquet.
The sale will be at the Richmond Hill Museum located at Hwy. 144 and Timber Trail in Richmond Hill on Saturday, Oct. 13 from 8 a.m.-noon.
Please come out and support the preservation of local heritage. For more information please call Banquet Committee Chairman Sally Pringle at (912) 660-1100 or email BryanHistory@coastalnow.net.
Cooling help
The Coastal GA Area Community Action Authority, Inc. will assist eligible households with cooling bills. Georgia’s Cooling Assistance program will start Monday, Oct. 1, for all income eligible households in the Bryan County area. Payments will be made directly to the home energy supplier.
To participate in the program, the family must meet an income equal to or less than 150 percent of the poverty guidelines as follows:
For a one-person household $15,315; for two persons $20,535; three persons $25,755; four persons $30,975; for five persons $36,195; six persons $41,415; seven persons $46,635; eight persons $51,855 and for each additional person add $5,220 annual income.
Applicants must bring their most recent fuel bill or statement of service from their cooling provider. They must also have proof of income for all household members for the last 30 days. This may be a check stub or an award letter granting public assistance, social security, VA or unemployment compensation.
Applicants must also bring social security numbers and proof of age for all household members.
Anyone wishing to apply for benefits in Bryan County should call 1-866-423-8081 for an appointment. Households will be served on a first-come, first-serve basis. The program will close when funds are exhausted.
Walk the Walk 5K
This year, United Way of the Coastal Empire’s "2007 Walk the Walk 5K" will be presented by SouthCoast Medical Group and held on Friday, Oct. 19 at City Market in Downtown Savannah.
The 5K run will begin at 6 p.m. and the walk will begin at 6:05 p.m.
Bring the entire family to enjoy food, prizes and entertainment, and promote healthy lifestyles within the Coastal Empire.
To register, visit www.active.com or contact Penny Cox at (912) 651-7720.
All proceeds will benefit over 85 health and human service programs supported by United Way of the Coastal Empire in Bryan, Chatham, Effingham and Liberty Counties as they strive to fulfill their mission, "To Improve Lives by Mobilizing the Caring Power of Communities."
Burnsed reunion
The annual family reunion for the descendants of Henry Milledge and Mary Ann Bacon Burnsed will be held Oct. 14 at the Senior Citizens’ Center on Bacon Street, Hwy. 280 in Pembroke. A basket lunch will be served at 1:00 p.m.
Halloween dance
The Boy Scout Troop 357 of Pembroke invited all children ages 10-16 to attend a Halloween Dance at the American Legion in Pembroke on Saturday, Oct. 27 from 7:30-10 p.m.
DJ Slim Shannon from Southern MC DJ will be live. There will be a costume contest with prizes, music, a light show and much more.
The entrance fee is $5, with parents admitted free. Refreshments can be purchased.
A parent/guardian must pick up their child for them to be able to leave at the pick up time of 10 p.m. No inappropriate dress will be allowed.
Library magic
What happens when you combine reading, magic, and famous authors of mystery and horror?
The answer: An exciting and spooky magic show that is geared towards Library Teen Programs.
Magician Chad Crews will be performing his "Authors of Mystery and Horror Show" in libraries all across Georgia and South Carolina, and will be coming to both the Pembroke and Richmond Hill libraries on Thursday, Oct. 25. The program will be at 4 p.m. in Pembroke and at 7 p.m. in Richmond Hill.
Crew uses many tricks tailored to the themes of Edgar Allan Poe’s most famous poems and stories.
The show will also introduce viewers to many interesting and little known facts about Poe, and his influence on the likes of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes and Harry Houdini. The libraries encourages all local teens to attend.
For more information, visit www.chadcrewsmagic.com or call either library.
The City of Savannah’s Cultural Arts Theatre announced that it will be auditioning for its production of The Laramie Project Oct. 15 and 16 at 6:30 p.m. in the Black Box at S.P.A.C. E., located at 9 W. Henry Street. Directed by DJ Queenan, the production will take the stage Nov. 30, Dec. 1, 2, 7, 8 and 9.
For audition information, please contact (912) 651-6783 or visit www.savannahga.gov/arts.
Volunteers sought
Interested in helping animals? Bryan Animal Caregivers needs you. Just a couple of hours a month can make a huge difference.
The group is seeking volunteers to organize/assist with fundraisers; promote spay/neuter at local events; update our website; handle media contacts; answer voice mail; foster a homeless animal; assist with adoptions; and/or help with dog obedience.
Call 727-2694 or email grady31401@yahoo.com. Meetings are usually held the second Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. at the Richmond Hill Library.
Futch reunion
Descendants of John Morgan Futch and Nancy Crosby Futch will unite for the 60th reunion on Oct. 21 at the Smith Family Reunion Center on Seed Tick Road off of Hwy. 119, near Pembroke. A covered dish meal will be served at 1 p.m.
AL Post 164
American Legion Post 164, Pembroke, meets the second Thursday of each month at 7:30 p.m. The Ladies Auxiliary also meets at the same time.
The post is located on Highway 280 west, approximately ½ mile past Harvey’s on the right. All veterans are invited to attend. The Post is available to the community for use for family functions, etc. For more information call 653-4958 or 653-4933.
PCC Revival
Pembroke Christian Church would like to invite the community to join them for their annual Revival Sunday, Oct. 21 through Thursday, Oct. 25. Services begin each night at 7. Brother Ronnie Smith will be the guest speaker. There will be special music each night. Everyone is invited to come and join the congregation as they open their hearts to receive God’s message.
Teen night out
Join us for the first ever Teen’s Night Out on Saturday Oct. 27th, 6-9:30 p.m. Homecoming Celebration with Bon Fire at the Jacob Grant Community Center, Ball Park Road. For more information please contact Raquel or Heather at 756-3828.
Magnolia Manor
Lisa Scarbrough, President and Founder of "Coastal Pet Rescue" will be the guest speaker for the Renaissance Lecture Series held by Magnolia Manor on the Coast on Oct. 11 at 5:30 p.m. For information call (912) 756-4300 or visit www.magnoliamanor.com
United Way
The United Way of Bryan County is holding its First Annual Ball Drop fundraiser.
Tickets are $10 each and are available at Bryan Bank & Trust, First Bank of Coastal Georgia in Richmond Hill and Pembroke, all of the Savannah Banks, and the United Way in Richmond Hill, Pembroke, and Savannah.
A helicopter will drop numbered golf balls, corresponding to ticket numbers, over the Sterling Links Golf Club in Richmond Hill on Nov. 1, at 4 p.m.
The ball that lands in, or closest to, the designated hole, will win a brand new golf cart donated by Futch’s Auto and Golf Cart Sales of Richmond Hill.
The money will help United Way reach its goal of $70,000 to go toward its Bryan County programs and services. For more information, contact Janice Blunt at 756-5333 or 653-5344.
Public hearing
The Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) announces its second and final round of public meetings for its Statewide Truck Lanes Needs Identification Study.
Meetings will include a presentation of the study’s preliminary findings, including locations where truck lanes may be a viable investment, details on how they could improve the overall transportation system and informal open-house style opportunity for citizens to provide comment on initial recommendations and speak with GDOT representatives.
The Savannah meeting will be held on Oct. 18 from 5-7 p.m. at the Coastal Georgia Center, Room 111, 305 Fahm St.
For more information on the study, the planned public meetings, contact information for providing comments, and information on the project status and to view a video of how truck lanes might work, please visit www.gatrucklanestudy.com.
Get your announcements online at bryancountynews.net.