River cleanup
October is Rivers Alive Month, and the Ogeechee-Canoochee Riverkeeper has started the drive early, with some river clean-ups having already started in the beginning of September.
Bryan County doesn’t currently have a Rivers Alive River Clean-up scheduled, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get one started. The OCRK wants to see you be a hero in your community – help them reach their goal of 25 river clean-up events before May 2008.
OCRK Outreach Coordinator Melanie Hendrix has all the tools you’ll need to host a successful event, with trash bags, bookmarks, T-shirts, and other river clean-up necessities. Contact her at mhendrix@ocrk.org or 912-764-2017.
The Archibald Bulloch Chapter of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution is observing Constitution Week from Sept. 17-23. This great document will be 220 years old on the 17th of September 2007.
The public can help observe by flying flags during this week and continue to support the government and read the Constitution. For more information, contact Chairman Jan Anderson at 658-2810.
Rummage, bake sale
The Richmond Hill Historical Society is holding a Rummage and Bake Sale to raise funds for the Annual Christmas Banquet. The sale will be at the Richmond Hill Museum located at Hwy. 144 and Timber Trail in Richmond Hill on Saturday, Oct. 13 from 8 a.m.-noon. Please come out and support the preservation of our local heritage. For more information please call Banquet Committee Chairman Sally Pringle at (912) 660-1100 or email BryanHistory@coastalnow.net.
Buddy Walk
The Lowcountry Down Syndrome Society, a local support group for persons with Down Syndrome and their families, will be hosting the Second Annual Buddy Walk Festival on Oct. 6 in Forsyth Park in Historic Downtown Savannah.
The Buddy Walk Festival will include a one-mile walk followed by a day of family fun with rides, music, food, and entertainment.
Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. (but pre-registration is welcomed) and the walk starts at 10:30. The Festival lasts from 11 a.m.-2 p.m.
For more information or to register, call John or Candy Bogardus at 728-8505 or 663-8573 or visit www.LDSSGA.org.
Hospice Savannah
Hospice Savannah, your local non profit and United Way end-of-life care provider, will host training for volunteers interested in visiting patients in their homes in Bryan, Effingham, Chatham and Liberty counties.
The dates are Sept. 29 and Oct. 6 from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. in the Community Education Room, Hospice House, Eisenhower Drive, Savannah. For more information call Beth Logan, at 355-2289.
Attendance on both Saturdays is required and lunch will be provided. Pre-registration is required.
Cooling help
The Coastal GA Area Community Action Authority, Inc. will assist eligible households with cooling bills. Georgia’s Cooling Assistance program will start Monday, Oct. 1, for all income eligible households in the Bryan County area. Payments will be made directly to the home energy supplier.
To participate in the program, the family must meet an income equal to or less than 150 percent of the poverty guidelines as follows: for a one-person household $15,315; for two persons $20,535; three persons $25,755; four persons $30,975; for five persons $36,195; six persons $41,415; seven persons $46,635; eight persons $51,855 and for each additional person add $5,220 annual income.
Applicants must bring their most recent fuel bill or statement of service from their cooling provider. They must also have proof of income for all household members for the last 30 days. This may be a check stub or an award letter granting public assistance, social security, VA or unemployment compensation. Applicants must also bring social security numbers and proof of age for all household members.
Anyone wishing to apply for benefits in Bryan County should call 1-866-423-8081 for an appointment. Households will be served on a first-come, first-serve basis. The program will close when funds are exhausted.
Pumpkin Patch
Richmond Hill Garden Club will hold their Seventh Annual Pumpkin Patch on Saturday, Oct. 6 from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. at the J. F. Gregory Park in Richmond Hill. The club will have pumpkins, mums, straw and corn stalks for sale. There will be face painting, pictures with Mrs. Pumpkin, a fish pond and a special appearance of "Mr. Magic." For more information call 727-3219.
The Bryan County NAACP Interest Group monthly meeting will be held at Bryan Neck Missionary Baptist Church, 16525 Hwy. 144 in Richmond Hill on Monday, Sept. 24 starting at 7 p.m. Guest speakers will be Tara Jennings of Bryan County Family Connections and Angela L. Wallace of Coastal Georgia Regional Development Center. All are welcome and encouraged to attend. You do not have to be a member to attend. For information call Dave Williams at 653-3472.
Arts on the Coast
Arts on the Coast will hold its next general meeting and family picnic at Ft. McAllister State Park Community Building on Sept. 21 at 7 p.m. Everyone interested in the arts is invited to attend. Mayor Richard Davis will present an overview of his vision for the Richmond Hill community and play a selection of his favorite songs. AOC will provide meat, beverages and desserts for the picnic. Members and guests are asked to bring a salad or veggie dish to complement the meal. Please RSVP to 727-4898 or 727-2538.
Historian to speak
Buddy Sullivan, renowned historian, lecturer, and author, will present a program on "The Great Ogeechee River and Its Impact on Bryan County" at the Richmond Hill Historical Society’s monthly meeting on Oct. 4 at 7 p.m.
Mr. Sullivan is an engaging and entertaining speaker and always makes learning about our rich, coastal heritage enjoyable. Mr. Sullivan’s book on the History of Richmond Hill will be available. The meeting will be held at the Richmond Hill Library, on 144, across from the Post Office. If you have any questions or need directions please call the Richmond Hill Historical Society Museum at 756-3697 or 756-2676.
The group's meetings are free and open to the general public. Come learn about the magnificent river that flows down the northern boundary of Bryan County and the effect it has had on our history.
Ladies luncheon
There will be a ladies luncheon on Wednesday, Sept. 26, at noon at Carey Hilliard’s Banquet Room, 11111 Abercorn St. Ext.. The cost is $9.75 inclusive. Call 925-3789 for reservations. For free nursery, call 925-6129. The Christmas Shop will display gifts and decorations. Eileen Newman will sing. Carolyn Ersig, from Hudson, Florida, will speak. Sponsored by Savannah-Chatham County Christian Women’s Club.
Book signing
Patricia Barbee, author of "Every Shut Eye Isn’t Asleep" will hold a book signing at Sensational Minds on Sept. 22 from 1-3 p.m.
Savannah's Robert T. Mickles, Sr. will have a book signing for "Blood Kin - A Savannah Story" at the store on Saturday, Sept. 29. The event will last from 2-4 p.m.
The store is located at 129 E. Montgomery Crossroad (near White Bluff Rd.) in the Oakhurst Shopping Plaza in Savannah/ Call 927-8600 or go to www.sensationalminds.com for more information.
Prom reminder
Prom has been scheduled for RHHS students on April 12, 2008 at the Armstrong Center from 8 p.m.-midnight.
No one over 21 years of age will be admitted and I.D.s will be checked. Juniors and Seniors should pay their dues to Mrs. Tomlin. She will be in the main foyer on the last Thursday and Friday of every month during all four lunches.
Animal caregivers
The Bryan Animal Caregivers needs any and all interested volunteers. The group meets at the Richmond Hill Public Library the second Thursday of every month at 7 p.m. Find out how to help pets in the area, call 727-2694 and press "1" for more information.
Food distribution
The Coastal Georgia Area Community Action Authority will be distributing USDA surplus commodity foods to eligible area residents Sept. 26-28.
Any household whose total gross income is less than the State established poverty guidelines for the appropriate household size is eligible.
Persons picking up food are requested to bring a bag or box container. Anyone picking up food for someone else must present a completed and signed authorization form for each household; hand written notes will not be accepted. The forms must be current. Food may be picked up for a maximum of two households, including the household of the person making the pickup. New authorization forms (dated May 3) may be picked up from the Community Services Center at 208 North College Street in Pembroke. The forms will not be available at the distribution sites and old authorization forms will not be accepted.
In accordance with federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, Coastal GA Area CAA, Inc. is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national, origin, age, sex, handicap or disability.
Food will be distributed from the following sites: Wednesday, Sept. 26 and Thursday, Sept. 27, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Pembroke City Hall; Friday, Sept. 28 only, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Richmond Hill Courthouse Annex, For more information, call Carolyn Frasier at 653-4993.
Get your events online at bryancountynews.net.