SAVANNAH — Thanks to local customers of VSP Vision Care, Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Coastal Empire has received 48 gift certificates for free eye exams for its program participants.
The 48 gift certificates have a retail value of $19,200.
John Kendricks, executive director of Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Coastal Empire, said that VSP Vision Care and Big Brothers Big Sisters of America partnered in 2013 on a campaign called “Clicks for Kids,” after research showed that one in four children have an undetected vision condition that can negatively impact learning.
During the 2013 campaign, VSP asked it consumers to click and enter their zip codes in order to provide free eye exams and glasses to their local BBBS agency.
“Healthy vision is critical for a child’s overall health and success, so we are very grateful to our local VSP customers for thinking of us and our children,” Kendricks said.
The services covered under the gift certificates include a comprehensive eye exam from a participating VSP optometrist or ophthalmologist; single vision, lined bifocal or trifocal lenses; and a frame within the plan limitations. Big Brothers Big Sisters plans to first distribute the certificates to Littles and Bigs, and then to others who may qualify.
Qualifications for the program are that a recipient:
• is not enrolled in any other vision insurance program
• is a U.S. citizen or documented immigrant with a Social Security number
• has a family income at or under 200 percent of poverty level
• has not used this program during the last 12 months.
To register for a certificate, call 912-233-7669 between the hours of 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday.
Big Brothers, Sisters offering free eye exams
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