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How I de-stress after a hard day's work: 10 fun hobbies for introverts
De-stressing: everyone needs it, but not everyone can de-stress in the same way. For some, it's socializing. For others, engaging in solitary activities. If you're an introvert, check out these 10 ways you can relax and regain energy. - photo by Emily Johnson
Solitude matters, and for some people, it is the air that they breathe. Susan Cain

Its difficult for our friends, family members and partners to understand how much we need to have alone time every day. Time to have fun. Did you just smile? Me too. How interesting it is when we, kindred souls and introverts, recognize this small joke: to have fun.

Because what is fun? Well, that depends. For extroverts, fun means socializing: going to a party or taking part in team sports. For introverts, on the other hand, thats a definition of stress and boredom. What we understand as fun is devoting time to alone activities. Because only when were alone can we rest and recharge our batteries.

Id like to share with you ideas on how you can relax and regain your energy after a busy day. Here are 10 activities I adore:

1. Playing mentally stimulating games

Playing games on your laptop or cell phone is a solitary activity that every introvert will enjoy. However, the choice of games matter. Introverts like to be creative and learn new things.

Thus, youll enjoy and rest if you play those games that allow you to create something and boost your brain power. For example, try Fishdom or Magic Jigsaw Puzzles on your phone or Civilization V/VI on PC. Just play and forget about the world outside.

2. Journaling and blogging

Writing in a journal or a diary helps you to calm down and focus on yourself. Try writing down your impressions, ideas or what you achieved and make plans for the future. This way youll get organized and learn more about yourself: your dreams, emotions and feelings.

Writing blog posts is a good way to relax too. If youre an expert in some area or if you learned a new skill, share your knowledge with others. You will not only enjoy the process of writing about it, but also gain self-satisfaction when your article goes live and people share positive comments.

3. Coloring

Within a few years, bookstores shelves have been filled with adult coloring books and YouTube got thousands of new videos of people sharing coloring tips and their finished pages. If you still dont have a coloring book, buy yourself one. Coloring is one of the best hobbies and fun activities for you because it allows you to relax and be creative. What I like the most is to color while listening to music or watching a movie and think about nothing else but which colors to choose.

4. Getting organized

Thats right! Cleaning up and organizing your possessions and collections in boxes and containers, arranging books, checking all products in the kitchen and making notes of what to buy and rearranging your room is always a fun and satisfactory activity that gives you inner peace, a sense of accomplishment and a clutter-free space. I do it every week and its always a pleasure. Add some good music and enjoy your cleaning adventure!

5. Reading books

I dont have to say more about it. Every introvert knows there isnt a better evening than that with a great book on your lap and a delicious treat on the table. Just you and an intriguing story. You relax and for a moment and travel to a different place and different times. You forget about all your troubles. What a joy!

6. Cooking

Should you learn cooking if you dont like it? No, you shouldnt. Its more about learning and polishing a new useful skill. It might be cooking, it might be driving a car or making videos like a pro. Whats important is that it should interest you and make you an expert in a field of knowledge.

I chose cooking. I like to search for new recipes and improve those I have. This way I get satisfaction and my partner, a full stomach. Thus, everyones happy. And remember, turn on some music! It will liven up the atmosphere.

7. Playing sports

Doing sports is not only important to your physical health but also your mental health. A good workout brings you satisfaction and clears your mind. But what sport should you choose?

Well, introverts need alone activities to recharge, so team sports are out of the question. Try running in a nearby park or by a lake during warmer months. In winter, dont sign up for gym but do some aerobics at home. There are many videos on YouTube with professional instructors. I like doing Yoga and Hula-Hoop. Try it as well!

8. Taking care of your body

This is advice for all introverted women: Take out your calendar and find one or two days in your busy week when you can take a long, hot bath. Turn on inspirational, romantic or calming music, take your favorite showering gels and light some candles. Then relax and enjoy the bubbles!

Clean your nails, shave your legs, put some moisturizing oils on your skin and hair. And dont hurry. Take your time. You deserve it!

Afterwards, snuggle up for intimate time with your partner. The hot bath will calm your nerves, making your time together even more special.

9. Crafting

Just be creative. I enjoy taking all my colorful pieces of paper, old pieces of material and other art accessories to create original frames for pictures, funny pots for flowers and scrapbooks. I also like watching a movie and making 3D origami swans to embellish my writing studio. Look around, check what you have at home and create something. Heads of introverts are full of creative ideas, so implement them!

10. Shopping online

This is a rescue boat for all introverts who love shopping but hate going out too often. What have you wanted for a while? A new coloring book? Tablet? Sport accessories? Google the prices, compare them and make an order. There isnt a better end of a day than the promise of a reward: a new toy to play with.

There are many ways in which introverts can recharge their batteries. Whatever you choose to do, remember that it should be a solitary activity that allows you to be creative and sparks your interest.

If there are other ways introverts can have fun, share them with us in the comments below!
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