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Have You Seen This? Weiner dogs problem-solving is adorable
In this video shot by Elliott Smith, we see a greeting between a man and the sausage-like pup, rushing to give a doggie hello while scaling an odd half wall. The limitation, however, is only apparent when trying to get back from whence it came. Its decision-making skills are all-too adorable and luckily, all on tape. - photo by Angela Treasure
TURN-THE-BEAT-AROUND-TOWN As humans, were often limited by our body type. Being a shorter-than-average teenage girl meant I watched many an emo concert with my nose at armpit level of all the men around me. Dont judge my taste in music. I was young.

Similarly, the Internet is flooded with articles teaching men and women how to work with their body type. There are endless guides on how to bring attention to your upper body if youre pear-shaped. Tall people know all too well what its like to live in a world not built for you, where you pray the person in front of you on a plane doesnt recline his or her seat. This led me to wonder: Are members of the animal kingdom equally aware of their physical limitations?

Surely giraffes get tired of ducking under low tree branches. Im sure even the mighty T-Rex was annoyed by not being able to reach, well, anything during his reign in the Jurassic age.

Speaking of extreme animal physiques, did you know that Dachshunds (also known as Weiner dogs) were bred to have such short legs so that they could get into badger holes during hunts? Dachshund literally means badger dog in German.

One particular Dachshund is certainly aware of his squattiness. In this video shot by Elliott Smith, we see a greeting between a man and the sausage-like pup, rushing to give a doggie hello while scaling an odd half wall. The limitation, however, is only apparent when trying to get back from whence it came. Its decision-making skills are all-too adorable and luckily, all on tape.
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