Two Richmond Hill schools were recently honored for academic achievements during the 2009-10 school year.
The Richmond Hill Elementary and Richmond Hill Primary were among the 345 public schools awarded for outstanding achievements in state testing.
The two Richmond Hill schools each received a bronze award for “highest performance for students meeting excellent standards” in the 2009-10 school year.
Eddie Warren, Bryan County Board of Education chairman, said receiving the award is an honor.
“It just shows what you can do when you get the whole community working together for better education of the children,” he said.
The schools are being recognized under Georgia’s Single Statewide Accountability System, according to a press release from the Governor’s Office of Student Achievement.
That system awards schools based on students’ performance on state tests and Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP), which measures a school district’s performance on those assessments and is required by the federal No Child Left Behind act.
The “highest performance” award measures how well students did on the Criterion-Referenced Competency Tests (CRCT) or the Georgia High School Graduation Tests (GHSGT).
The bronze designation means that more than 20 percent of students exceeded state standards and 95 percent of students met or exceeded standards, according to the Student Achievement Office website.
Warren noted that Superintendent John Oliver and his administrative staff should be credited for the award since that team has demonstrated leadership and focus on state standards.
Oliver said children in both schools are doing very well in the math, English and reading tests administered to them.
“We’re proud of them,” he said.
Schools in Effingham and Chatham counties also received awards for “highest performance” and “greatest gains for students meeting and exceeding standards,” according to the Office of Student Achievement.
“Congratulations to the principals, teachers, parents, and students at these schools,” said Kathleen Mathers, executive director of the Office of Student Achievement. “This is one way to say ‘great job’ to these school communities that have stayed focused and committed to helping children learn and achieve at high levels.”
Richmond Hill Elementary and Richmond Hill High Schools received a bronze award for “highest performance” last year. Richmond Hill Middle School also received a platinum award for “greatest gain” in the 2008-09 school year, meaning students there showed the greatest improvement in state testing.
In 2009 and in 2010, all Bryan County schools except Bryan County High School met their AYP, according to the Georgia Department of Education’s website.
Georgia is required to develop an accountability system, which includes awards and punishments, under the federal No Child Left Behind act, which was adopted in 2001, according to the Georgia Department of Education’s website.
Two RH schools get state awards
RHPS RHES honored for performance
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