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Wish I hadn’t heard that
pastor corner

Rev. Jim Jackson

Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church

For a number of years I enjoyed being a member of the Spartanburg HOG group. That stands for Harley Owners Group. I was fulfilling my personal bucket list. Still have a few to go; but if I finish them all, guess what’s next?

So for now, I’ll leave that list alone.

I actually rode with that group and served as their chaplain for six years. We enjoyed numerous rides, some were Poker runs. With many stops along the way, we stopped as certain places and picked up a playing card.

So when the ride was complete, the rider with the best hand won the poker game on wheels. Unfortunately I never won.

Even my church joined in the fun, sponsoring a Blessing of the Bikes annually—one of my attempts at bootlegging the Gospel. They rode their Harleys around the outer permitter of the church parking lot, stopping in front of me for a blessing. Sometimes we had as many at one hundred sitting on the grass while i led a worship service that included Gospel music by various artists. We also included the testimony of each year’s reigning Miss Spartanburg.

But what i suspect the bikers enjoyed most was the steak dinner.

One of my church members, a woman, thought that all bikers were bad dudes, though we had a few lawyers, successful business owners and even a medical doctor.

His presence was always comforting. He wore a shirt that read: “Don’t worry, I’m a doctor.” Anyhow, that dear lady caught me in the hallway and said: “Know what Harley riders and Hoovers have in common?” Of course, I had no idea what likeness Harleys and Hover Vacuum cleaners shared. So she gleefully gave the answer: “Both of them carry dirt bags.”

I take comfort in the fact that Jesus once was derided as one who eats with sinners. Of course, all of us are sinners. Aren’t we glad Jesus sits at our tables? Suppose he might have ridden a Harley?

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