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We all need a friend
pastor corner

Dr. Lawrence Butler

The Bridge Church, Pembroke

Small towns. What a joy for some, and places from which to flee for others. Probably most who love small towns count friendships as one of the major reasons for not wanting to leave.

 Did you know that even in 1960 most Americans still lived in cities with populations of 10,000 or fewer people? Boy, have things changed! My family has roots in North Bryan County that trace back to the Civil War. In fact, when Mr. Sherman decided to ride his horse from Atlanta to the east coast, part of his army came through Bryan County. They managed to burn a home just outside of Pembroke which has a connection with my family. (I personally hope, as a southerner, that Mr. Sherman was quite uncomfortable during his long ride while his soldiers wreaked havoc on poor people.) Anyway, a new house was built, possibly in the early 1870’s, in which my grandfather (1893) and my father (1918) were born. The house is still inhabited by a cousin.

I came to Pembroke as a young man to pastor a church. Although I was reared in Savannah, I visited my dad’s home many times. The experiences that came my way have resulted in many friendships. My purpose in relating all this to you is about to be revealed.

Some years ago our community sponsored a gospel concert in one of the small parks in the downtown area. There was local talent as well as a professional group present to perform. There were no seats provided, so each person needed to bring a chair. Unfortunately, there had been a slight rain shower that passed through. It was no longer raining, but the pavement and grass areas were at least a little wet. I was sitting in my lounge chair in a reclining position when suddenly my chair collapsed. I was left lying on my back with my feet and legs pointing straight up, being held in position by the chair. At least it kept me off the wet pavement which would have certainly ruined my clothes. While in this humbling position and being laughed at by all nearby, the local group was singing that wonderful song, “I Want To Know How It Feels.” (For those who remember him, Michael Foxworth could barely keep singing because of laughing. I do provide quality entertainment at times.) Fortunately for me, a friend came over and helped me get up without rolling on the wet pavement. “A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly” (Pro. 18:24). In whatever city or town in which you live, if you want friends, be a friend!

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